soundless love- part 4

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Image: Dylan

One more day till the weekend. She got out of bed with a killing headache after a few minutes she felt even worse and decided to go the chemist. She went to her wardrobe to though on anything even tho she was choosing if she wanted her blue hoodie or black hoodie,after what seemed to be forever she got out the door and walked slowly to the lift when the doors were about to close Dylan walked in and complete silence filled the lift until Dylan said something "so how do you know max, I mean he's the quiets person in the world do you like him."

There were a silence for a second before Rin stared stuttering "no no no I don't like him he is just my creative writing group partner" for some reason Dylan looked relieved but also neutral "so your single then" but before he could say anything else the lift doors opened and Rin zoomed out. After walking down the parks path it began to get nippy "Why did he want to know if I was single" she though to herself while her head still ached. Once she got to the chemist and got pain killers.She went out and went though the park and sat on a bench and saw the exact tree that her and her childhood friend 'Will' gave her a necklace before he left to move to France.She just walked slowly to the apartments just them she saw Dylan near a wall with some flowers near it.

Rin walked over to Dylan and leaned over his shoulder which resulted in him being shocked to see her but tears filled his eyes and he just turned back to the wall which she looked at the photo of a cat,she guessed it was Dylan's but he said quietly but furiously go away, I don't need your pitty" Rin said nervously "I'm sorry" and walked off.  Once entering her room and taken her tablets she felt better. After a while she to tried to take her mind of school but she still had to finish her homework and group project but she did not feel up to anything and just fell asleep.

Saturday rolled round and both Emiko and Rin got up to grab a coffee and something to eat before the streets got busy. Walking down the empty,cold streets it started raining and both of the girl started to get drenched and out of no where a car roles up and Max stepped out side of it.Once he stepped out of the car Emiko ran up to Max and hugged him but not a romantic hug more of a sisterly hug which confused me more but before she could ask Emiko just got into the car and called me to sit with her in the car but I felt a bit weird and confused why she just got in to his car but I did not care at the time because I was cold, wet and probable still have a headache from yesterday.

After a nerve-wrecking ride Rin and Emiko entered the apartment it was quite late so both of them decided to go to sleep, but Rin started to feel sick so she checked her phone to see what the time was, it said 2am and she really did not want to wake anyone up. After she crept out of the room and down to the end of the corridor she came upon a large window,, she took a deep breath and felt someone behind her, she turned around and it was....

*part 5 coming soon*

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