1: Prologue

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"I'll see you later. Text me if you have any more questions." I get up from the table at the cafe.

"Work?" Moon asks

"Yes, but also I have a paper due tonight."

"Good luck with that."

"Thanks." I collect my stuff and start to turn around but I slam into someone and something cold gets all over my shirt "Son of a bitch."

I bend down to collect some of the things I dropped "I am so sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going."

I stand up and shake my head "No it's my fault I'm the one that slammed into you."

Moon gets up and starts patting at my shirt with napkins "Are you okay Niko?"

"Yeah I'm okay." I turn my attention back to the masked man in front of me "Let me at least buy you another coffee."

"No it's okay, it's not like it was expensive." He tries to argue and I kind of recognize his voice but I can't place it.

"No, I insit, just go order another one and I'll pay for it." I turn back to Moon "I'll text you later okay?" She nods and I follow the stranger up to the front.

He orders a mocha latte and I internally groan because the mocha part is going to be impossible to get out of my shirt. I pay for it and bow to the stranger "I'm sorry again for making you spill your drink. Have a good day."

He bows his head back at me and I leave the cafe and head to work, stopping at my apartment on the way to change shirts.

I get to my job a few minutes late, quickly throwing on my vest as my co-worker narrows his eyes at me over the counter "I know I'm sorry. Slammed into some dude when I was leaving the cafe and I needed to change my shirt." I duck in the back and clock in.

"I guess I can accept that reason and no longer be mad at you." Haru jokes

I bow at him playfully "Thank you for your forgiveness oppa."

He laughs and tosses a pen at me "Get back here so I can clock out and go home."

I pick up the pen he threw at me and go behind the counter. Haru heads for the back room and clocks out, hanging his vest up before coming back out "Have fun."

"I have a paper write, I'm sure I'll have lots of fun."

"Don't let Mrs. Kang catch you writing a paper on the clock."

"She never comes here so I'm not worried about it."

"Just saying."

"Do you know something I don't or are you just trying to make me paranoid." I glare at him

He laughs "Just trying to make you paranoid."


He laughs again and then leaves. I pull my laptop from my bag and sit down, setting it off to the side so it's not in the way when customers do come in.

For about 2 hours only 3 people come in so I'm able to finish my paper pretty quickly and get it turned in before it's due so I start working on other assignments that aren't due for a little while.

Around midnight someone comes in and I don't pay them any mind but I keep an eye on them so I don't accidently ignore them when they come up to the counter.

They find what they were looking for and come up to the counter so I start to ring them up and when they pay I look up and see a somewhat familiar face. It's the guy I ran into before my shift started "You-"

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