32: Epilogue

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× June 2030×

"Are you sure you are up to coming today?" Jungkook asks from his place at the stove.

I nod, adjusting my grip on Junho "Yes I'm sure."

"You're okay with bringing the baby?"

"He's almost six months old now Jungkook, and it's not like I was the one that birthed him. I'm okay bringing him if you're okay with having him there."

"It's going to be so hard to not get distracted by that adorable little face." Jungkook coos, stepping away from the stove to come over and kiss Junho's forehead "Yes, daddy and your uncles are just going to want to hold you the whole time."

"So then maybe we shouldn't go." I joke with Jungkook.

He over exaggerates his gasp, holding his hand up to his chest "You would deny me my child and wife? And my hyung's their nephew?"

I laugh, shaking my head at Jungkook "You are something else Jeon."

"You've been saying that for years."

"You remind me every once in awhile."

Junho starts to fuss, so I begin bouncing him softly and he immediately quiets down. He's a surprisingly quiet baby most of the time. One of these exceptions being last night, he was gassy and couldn't sleep, so he kept me up pretty much all night. Jungkook got up probably about half the time with me, but I kept sending him back to bed. Which is why Jungkook is asking if I'm okay to go to the world expo ceremony today and watch them open the time capsule.

"He was worse when we first brought him home. He's been good the past month. But I'm used to it, so truly, I'm okay to go today. It's a decent drive to Busan, if Junho stays asleep I'll probably get a nap in too." I reassure Jungkook

"Okay let's hurry up and eat, so we can get ready to head out." Jungkook pecks my lips before returning to the stove, double checking that the eggs are done before he turns it off.

He makes me a plate since I am holding Junho. We eat and Jungkook takes Junho from me so I can get ready and get Junho's things ready. When I'm done, Jungkook comes in the bedroom with Junho and picks out his clothes so that I can dress Junho while Jungkook gets ready.

The drive to Busan is quiet, Junho falls asleep and so do I, my head on Jungkook's shoulder. He gently wakes me when we get there, kissing me quickly as well as Junho's forehead before getting out. The company car takes us around the back side so that we can get out more privately, the plan is for me and any of the other guys' partners that will be here to stick to the sidelines, doing our best to go unnoticed. Mostly because most of us don't want to be in the press, some of us don't mind it as much, but most of us do. Jungkook especially minds when it comes to me and Junho because we don't want Junho's face in the media.

Jungkook's manager escorts me to where the others are, we can see the stage pretty well from here, the guys waving discreetly when they see me. We are all the way in the back, and the staff was kind enough to make sure there was enough space next to my seat for Junho's stroller. I greet the others and they are of course immediately all over Junho who is now awake. Jin's wife is the first to ask to hold him so I take Junho out of his stroller and hand him to Minjee. I trust all of them, we all have spent a lot of time together. The only two that aren't here are Taehyung and Hoseok's partners. Taehyung's, one because it's Jennie, that would draw too much attention, and she had a schedule so she couldn't be here anyway. Hoseok's girlfriend isn't here because they haven't been together that long, and neither wanted to risk the publicity and speculation since they are not public yet. She is also a dancer, a pretty popular one too, so that increases their risk factor. The rest of the guys are with regular civilians like myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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