19: Discussion

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I yawn and roll over, hitting Jungkook's chest and his arm curls around my waist as he kisses my forehead "Morning sweetness."

I hum and nuzzle against his bare chest "Morning."

Jungkook rubs my back softly and I start to fall back asleep but when Jungkook notices my breaths starting to even out again he stops "We can nap later. We should get up and eat. Maybe take showers again."

I whine in defiance "No. Five more minutes."

He chuckles softly, voice still a little rough from sleep "We can lay here for five more minutes but you can't fall back asleep."

"I make no promises." My words come out muffled against his chest.

He sighs playfully and leans away from me before completely leaving the bed making me whine in annoyance "Where are you going, you're warm."

He wordlessly comes around to my side of the bed and reaches under the sheets, tugging my naked body out from under them, making me squeal at the sudden cold air hitting my body. "Jungkook!"

"Shower. Food. Talk. Maybe then we can nap." He laughs out while tightening his hold on my squirming body.

He sets me down on the toilet in the bathroom before turning to start the shower, letting it warm up and once it does he looks over at me, tilting his head towards the shower to tell me to get in. I listen and step past him and down into the shower, Jungkook following and we both step under the spray of the hot water.

At first we shower without touching each other, taking turns to rinse our hair under the water, but when I start to wash my body, the wash cloth is taken from my hand. "What are you doing my love?" I question Jungkook

"Helping." He says plainly before pressing the soapy rag to my back.

He washes my back and then turns me around to face him and washes my front, playfully squeezing my breasts when he drags the wash cloth over them, causing me to roll my eyes at him slightly. When he's done, he lets me rinse off and then we switch places so he can wash his body and rinse off. When he's done he turns off the water and steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist before handing me one that I wrap around myself. I step out of the shower and we stand at the sink together and brush our teeth before getting dressed. Jungkook just slips on boxers and a pair of sweats and I throw on shorts and a slightly baggy shirt that is one of mine.

We go downstairs and immediately go to the kitchen. Jungkook starts making coffee while I start making breakfast. Once my coffee is done Jungkook sets it on the counter next to me and I nod in thanks, he just presses a kiss to my cheek and then sits down at the island. While I the egg rolls are cooking on the final side I scoop some rice into bowls and then place the egg rolls on top of the rice. I turn everything off and grab spoons before turning around, bowls and spoons in hand and I slide one over to Jungkook before sitting down myself.

We eat in silence, not feeling the need to speak at the moment because whatever we talk about when we are done with breakfast will be conversation enough. Jungkook's eyebrows are furrowed in thought, which tells me that he's probably thinking about how he's going to approach whatever he wants to talk about. I think over everything we could possibly talk about, the house is at the top of my mental list, our financials after that and after those two topics I don't really know what else he could want to talk about. I know where I fully stand on the house but our financials are something that I don't have a solid standing on because everytime we've talked about it I can understand where Jungkook is coming from. Change is just difficult for me, especially when it comes to money.

I finish eating first and I clean up my own dishes. Jungkook does the same when he's done and I sit on the island counter while he does. When he's done he turns around and leans against the counter, bracing his arms behind him on the counter top and it takes all of my self control to not jump him then and there. It's such a simple action but him being shirtless and being able to fully see each of his muscles flex to support the position his arms is in, is hot.

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