10: Uncomfortable

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I wake up alone in bed and in my sleep haze I think last night was a dream but then I smell food and realize it wasn't and Jungkook really is home.

I get up and go through part of my morning routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face before just using some really expensive moisturizer that Jungkook buys.

When I'm done I make my way out to the kitchen and find Jungkook at the stove, flipping pancakes and also making eggs.

Without turning around to know for sure that I'm there, he starts talking "Coffee is on the island."

I grab the glass that's resting on the island, containing iced coffee. Then I go around the island and wrap my free arm around Jungkook's waist and rest my head on his back. I take a sip of my coffee and then tap Jungkook's hip twice as a silent thank you, too tired still to talk.

"You're welcome sweetness."

Jungkook finshes breakfast and I hear him turn the stove off so I let him go and grab plates and the small bottle of syrup we keep because I love pancakes and waffles.

Jungkook takes the plates from me and makes my plate before handing it to me. He makes his own plate and we go and sit at the table.

"Thank you for making breakfast."

He nods "After everything you did for me last night, breakfast was the least I could do for you."

I cut into my pancake and take a bite, eyebrow lifting in surprise at the flavor "What did you do to these?" I ask after I finish chewing

Jungkook giggles "I added maple flavoring."

"I love you."

This time he full out laughs "Because of pancakes?"

"A lot of other things too, but right now, yes because of pancakes."

I continue eating and Jungkook does the same with a small laugh. I finish eating before Jungkook, my portion having been smaller than his, but I sit and wait for him to finish "Did you have anything you wanted to do today or just rest?"

"I actually have to meet up with my trainer this afternoon for a short session."

"I just rubbed out all your knots and you are just gonna go and make them come back?" I tease, glaring at him playfully.

He laughs and shakes his head "Short session, I promise. Shouldn't leave me incredibly sore. You can come with me if you want to."

"Did you tell them before you guys left?"

He nods "I did. They weren't happy but admitted that I proved them wrong. Said they would leave us alone now as long as we don't go public any time soon."

"Don't go public as in, don't do it on purpose or don't get caught?"

"Both, but really don't do it on purpose. It wouldn't be our fault if we ended up being followed, it's not like we're careless."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

He nods, chewing faster so he can speak and I try not to laugh at the way his cheeks move with how fast he's chewing "I would, if you want to. If you don't you can stay here, I shouldn't be gone any longer than two and a half hours."

"I guess I'll go. But you can't let me distract you."

"I won't."

We finish up breakfast and Jungkook insists on cleaning up and tells me to go shower. I listen, deciding not to be stubborn with him about it.

I start the shower, getting it to the temperature I like before stripping and getting in.

I'm in the middle of rinsing out my shampoo when Jungkook comes in the bathroom, stripping and opening the shower door.

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