11: Jealousy

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Jungkook grabs my wrist and gently pulls me back before I can get very far down the hallway.

I glare up at him "What Jungkook?"

"I don't want you to go home and feel like this alone."

"Well you're staying here, so too bad." I try to back away from him but he just grabs my hips and then turns me around to press me into the wall next to us.

"What are you doing?" I continue to glare at him.

He takes my hand and puts it on his neck, my fingers instinctively arrange themselves how they would if I was grabbing his neck while kissing him. "Feel. And focus on it please. You're trying to deflect the anxiety by being angry. That doesn't help."

I sigh but do what he says, knowing he's right. I can feel his heartbeat under the tips of my fingers, slow and calm. I do my best to focus on the rhythm and try to calm my heart to match his. Jungkook's eyes stay on my face the entire time.

After a minute or two my chest feels lighter and my heart isn't racing anymore. Jungkook leans down and kisses me and with my hand on his neck I can feel both of our heart rates pick up.

His grip on my hips tightens and he presses me into the wall more. He eventually pulls away, pecking my lips once "I have an idea and you can say no and if you do we can go home."

"What is this idea?"

"The guys were going to invite some girls up to come join us, so I can have my attention fully on you. Give me an hour, let me try and make you more comfortable in this atmosphere."

"And your friends?" I ask, eyebrow raised

"They'll be preoccupied, trying to get someone to take them home. No one will be worried about us."

"Is this something you guys normally do?" I ask, trying to mask the slight jealousy in my voice.

He giggles, catching on "Yes. I had to be able to flirt with and charm the most beautiful woman I'd ever met somehow. I didn't think being a fumbling, blushing mess would be attractive."

I push at his chest "Liar."

He laughs "I'm not I promise." He kisses me again "So what do you say?"

"You're sure it's okay? There is no chance of any of the girls going to social media or taking pictures of us?"

"I didn't tell you how this club works did I?"

I shake my head "No you didn't. Just that it was safe for idols and other celebrities."

"Well when you aren't a V.I.P you don't get to keep your phone. The bouncers at the main entrance take phones and label them, then you get a wristband that goes with your phone. It's so they know you don't have your phone and so they know whose phone is whose when you leave."


"If you are invited up to the V.I.P areas, you have to have that wristband scanned before you can go in."

"You know if I'm not wearing one, they could start rumors once they leave here."

"There are decoy bands that we have to ask for if we need them. And I'll keep your phone in my pocket so they can't figure it out that way either."

I think about it and then nod "Okay. I'll try."

Jungkook presses a kiss to my cheek "Thank you. And I'm serious, if you stay uncomfortable or start to have more anxiety just tell me and we'll go home."

I nod "I will."

He takes my hand and steps back so I can step away from the wall and we head back to the balcony. From down the hall I can that a few women are already there so Jungkook stops "Stay here for a second."

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