15: Meet the Parents pt.2

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×The week after Christmas×

I look over my outfits again, smoothing out my sweater. Today me and Jungkook are driving to Busan to see his parents and brother for a late holiday gathering. I'm nervous. I want to make a good impression.

"Niko, sweetness, you look fine." Jungkook calls from the living room, somehow knowing I'm still picking at my clothes.

I head for the living room "I just want-"

"To make a good impression." Jungkook finishes for me "I know and you will. They will not be focused on what you are wearing. And they'll love you."

He comes over to me and cups my face, kissing me softly "I love you, so they will too. Hyung already loves you so that gives them even more reason to as well before ever meeting you."

I just nod and Jungkook kisses me again before we head out. Once we are in the car he reaches over to grip my thigh, rubbing his thumb across the top of it soothingly. It helps with the nerves. He helps in general. Whenever I'm having bad anxiety about something, he levels me out and helps me calm down. And he doesn't always need to speak to do it. Sometimes when he knows that there is no reasoning with me over something that is making me anxious, he's just there physically and emotionally. Jungkook always lets me talk about what is making me feel anxious and why when I can pin point it. He doesn't offer advice when I don't want it or don't need it. He just sits there with me, listening or holding, or both. Most of the time both.

The small repetitive actions like his thumb that's currently moving across the top of my thigh, help ground me and think more rationally about things. The ride is mostly quiet, one of Jungkook's Playlists playing through the speakers of his car softly. Occasionally he sings along, but only in short bursts here and there. I use the drive to think about what his parents might ask me about and how I'll respond. Playing out the possible questions in my head helps me calm my brain so I feel less anxious about meeting them.

About four hours later we finally pull up infront of a small house, Junghyun oppa's car is already out front which helps make me feel more at ease. I go to get out of the car but Jungkook squeezes my thigh gently so I stop and look at him with a questioning gaze.

He just leans over and pecks my lips once before giving me a soft smile and then getting out of the car. I follow and Jungkook slips his hand into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

We get up to the front door and Jungkook rings the doorbell. I can hear my blood rushing in my ears and I really can't explain why I'm so anxious to meet his parents. I do want to make a good impression but I know that's not the only thing that has me so nervous. Maybe they won't like me because I'm not as successful as their son, that he should be with someone on his financial level. Or maybe that he could just do better, date an idol and someone who is a lot more understanding of his job because it's their job too. Maybe they'll think I'm not pretty enough for their son. I mean he's fucking gorgeous, and apparently the spitting image of his father, they must have high expectations in the looks department and maybe I don't meet those expectations.

Maybe they'll think I'm getting started too late in life or that because my parents are very successful, very rich people that I'm spoiled and entitled. I won't deny the spoiled part, my parents did and do spoil me but they always made it clear that it was because they wanted to and that I should be grateful, I should never expect someone to do what they do, and I shouldn't believe that they have to either.

My intrusive thoughts are cut off by the door opening, revealing the friendly face of Jungkook's older brother. He immediately smiles and steps back "Come in. Mom and dad are in the kitchen."

We slide our shoes off as we step inside and Jungkook sets down a pair of guest house slippers for me. "Is that my youngest son?" A female voice sounds from around the corner.

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