8: Plans

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We get to the cafe and Moon goes in and orders for both of us while I find a table outside and hook the dogs leashes to the leash stands they have.

She comes out a few minutes later with two coffees and two breakfast pastries. I take my coffee with a nod of thanks as she sits down across from me.

"Does he know what he wants to do about it?"

I shrug "He thinks they'll back off for awhile. I'm sure he plans to just keep telling them to fuck off."

She shakes her head "He shouldn't have to."

"I agree but when you're part of the biggest idol group in this country, your company is going to want to ensure there can be no damage done to your career. I would do a lot of damage to his career, especially here. I mean you saw what they did to Jongdae Oppa when he went public."

"True." She sighs "How are other things? Any movement on getting your own place open?"

I shake my head "Not really. I have a few rental spaces on my list that would work but I just can't afford them right now. Several brands have said they'll stock my store with their products but that costs money too."

"It can't be that bad. You make really good money at the boutique."

I nod in agreement "I do, but the area we live in is expensive and you know how I am, I refuse to let him pay for everything. Just half the bills is alot."

"But he owns the apartment so there's no rent. How expensive can bills really be?"

"A lot apparently. And Bam's training center isn't inexpensive either. Getting Bam was a mutual decision basically so."

"Have you talked about these things with him?"

I nod "Yeah, but we don't talk about it anymore because the last few times we did he tried to offer to pay for my store space. And invest in the brands. As you can imagine I was not happy about that. He doesn't see it as a big deal, but it just feels like a hand out to me and he's been respectful of the fact that I don't want that."

"I know you won't like this, but maybe talk about him taking more of the bills or at least Bam's training center. I'm not saying freeload and let him pay for everything, but sweetheart, he's a millionaire with a black Amex. You are not."

I sigh "I don't know."

"You don't have to listen to me, it's just a suggestion."

"I'll think about it. How is work for you?"

She smiles "Good, busy but in a good way. Not a ton of stress to get projects done right now except for one. But you know I can't talk about it."

"I know. As long as things are good and you aren't overworking yourself or stressing over deadlines."

Moon is a graphic designer that specializes in video games and she occasionally does special affects for some movies and TV shows as a freelancer but only when she has the time and feels the need to.

"I'm not. This project that's due first will be a pretty big payout so the team has been trying to make everything absolutely perfect."

I shake my head with a small smile "You do that for any project, not just the ones that make your bank account comparable to Kook's."

"That's me, not the rest of the team. They slack when they're aren't expecting a really good payout."

"I hope you aren't expecting a really good payout when you do my logo and website." I joke

She laughs "Oh come on, you won't make me a millionaire?"

I just shake my head at her and she finishes off her coffee before speaking "I told you I would do it for free. I meant it, you just have to let me know when."

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