29: Moves

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In the morning once I got to work, I managed to find a company that would move us tomorrow, so I let Jungkook know and then I ended up leaving early and spending the rest of the day shopping for furniture and other things that wouldn't be moving with us that could be delivered today or tomorrow morning.

Once both Jungkook and I were home we started preping to move in the morning; packing essentials in suitcases to have immediately access to while we organize the house. That's the great thing about movers here. They pack everything for you and then unpack it basically they way they packed it in the new place, but they can only do so much, so there will be some unpacking for us to do and we will probably have to reorganize since the space we are moving into is significantly bigger than the space we are in now. There is even a yard for Bam to play in, so he'll have more space and we may not feel like we need to send him to the training center as often.

We aren't moving everything right now, we are hoping to be back here once things kind of settle down. But at the same time we are being realistic and know that probably won't happen. It's kind of late by the time we finish up, so Jungkook just helps me make a quick ramen dish for dinner. After eating we finally sink down onto the couch and Jungkook sighs "I'm sorry Niko."

"It isn't your fault Jungkook. It's not ideal, but we'll make it work. We were going to move into the house at some point anyway." I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but that was supposed to happen when we were both ready. Not like this." He argues, his frustration increasing at the situation.

"Shit happens. We have to do things we don't feel ready for sometimes. But our safety comes first. It's frustrating, I won't lie and say it isn't. We just have to do what is best for the present circumstances. I'm not upset with you, you don't need to apologize for this." I lean my head back to look at him "I love you."

He smiles softly, still feeling frustrated and unable to give me a full smile. But he tilts his head down and pecks my lips "I love you."

"And that's all I need right now. No more apologizes."

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." I kiss him again, keeping it short so that we don't get carried away and then I turn the TV on to some random re-run, settling against Jungkook.

I wake up on the couch at like six a.m. with a groan "Motherfucker."

Jungkook groans at my curssing, starting to wake up himself "What?" He asks sleepily

"We fell asleep on the couch." I somewhat whine back at him.

"We do it all the time. It's a comfortable couch. What time is it?" His arm is still over his eyes, keeping him from truly waking up.

I reach for my phone on the table, checking the time "Six."

"What time are the movers coming?"


"Then set an alarm and lay back down, I'm not ready to actually get up yet." Jungkook whines, making a grabbing motion at me with his free hand.

"Fine, but only because I'm still tired as shit." I set an alarm for nine before laying back down next to Jungkook.

And when I say I was tired as shit, I meant it. The second my head hit the pillow I put over Jungkook's arm, I was out.

The alarm wakes me up, I practically shoot off the couch when it goes off and Jungkook groans, I may have elbowed him in the process "Sorry."

"It's okay." He sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes "I'll take the suitcases down to your car and then you can head over to the house to make sure everything is good."

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