Chapter 18-Aelin

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When Rowan and I arrived at the castle in Adarlan, I was almost jumping out of my shoes with excitement. I stayed on the verge of screaming while the guards checked my identity and weapons for half an hour. Honestly, I lived at the castle for years! You'd think they'd recognize me. Granted, most of the guards had fled after the death of the King. Once they were done filing through my various blades, I ran to Dorian's suite with Rowan close on my heels and by the time we got there, the dark-haired king was already holding the door open for us. I slammed into him and crushed him in a hug, inhaling his familiar scent deeply.

"I was told a certain assassin had arrived with a rather large tattooed warrior," Dorian laughed, "what brings you two here?"

I walked over to his desk and popped one of his chocolates in my mouth. I could always count on Dorian to supply me with chocolates.

When I remembered exactly what it was that brought Rowan and I here, I quietly sat on his bed, all the previous joy gone, and said, "Dorian, we're about to go to war."

His eyes widened. I could see the confusion covering the lines of his face as he said, "What are you talking about? I haven't heard anything about threats to Terrasen." He went from his usual, playful self, to king in a manner of seconds. It made me realize how alike our situations were.

"That's the thing," I explained, "this war will not be against a country of this world. Rowan, Aedion, and I are going to take my army through a portal to another world to help defend some new friends. I came to ask for your help."

I could tell he thought I was insane, I saw his sapphire eyes searching me for some sign of a joke. But this couldn't be more serious.

"What do you need? My army, supplies?" he asked, running a hand through his hair, and I realized how alike he looked with Rhysand just by that one gesture.

Relief flooded through me as I said, "No offense intended, but your army wouldn't be suitable to go against Fae warriors. We don't need any thing, we need you. I told myself that wanted you to come with us so you could help with battle strategies and formations but if I'm being honest, I think I really just need all of my friends standing by my side, and we could use powers like yours," I looked to Rowan and he took my hand, nodding reassuringly. I held my breath for a while, and then realized that must not be good for the baby. I made a mental note to see a healer once this was all finished.

Dorian was silent for a while, contemplating all the pros and cons of going on this adventure. I was about to give up and go back to my kingdom when Dorian said, "I'm in, let's go." As easy as that, just like Aedion. What have I done to earn such loyalty? The thought of having friends like these brought tears to my eyes. I mentally cursed my gods damned mood swings.

I sat there, astounded, as Dorian strapped on his sword. "Dorian, this is going to be extremely dangerous," I reminded, slowly standing up.

"Well of course it will be, it's a war. Listen, everything will be fine, I'll leave Chaol to tend to the kingdom while I'm away," he said with an air of certainty that reassured me.

"Will he be able to take care of the matters here?" I asked sympathetically.

"He'll have Nesryn with him. He's healing and doing much better. He's almost walking by himself now," he supplied, worry clear in his eyes. I could tell he struggled to keep his optimistic air.

He walked out of his bedroom door while Rowan and I just stood there, an incredulous look on our faces, we still couldn't believe he had agreed so easily. After a second, I saw Dorian's head pop into sight through the doorway, "aren't you two coming?" he asked with a smirk. Well, being a king hadn't changed him that much. I snorted at the thought of any other king acting like Dorian.

Once we made it back to Terrasen, Aedion and Lysandra greeted us at the doorstep. Right when I stepped through the threshold, a wave of nausea hit me and I bolted for the nearest bathroom. Was this ever going to end?

When I was done hurling my guts up, I turned to see Lysandra leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed and a feline smile on her face. She gave me a towel and said, "Aelin, is there something you need to tell me?"

"By that tone, I assume you already know," I spat. Lysandra and I teased eachother endlessly, but we both knew of the bond we shared.

"Ah yes, dear friend, but I'd like to hear it straight from your mouth," she teased and raised her eyebrows, waiting.

I looked around cautiously, hoping the males weren't standing out in the hall. Though Rowan already knew, I'd hate for Aedion and Dorian to find out by eavesdropping.

"They're all in the foyer," Lysandra said and squinted her eyes, listening intently, "Rowan is telling the others that you ate some bad chicken earlier and you haven't been feeling well." She looked to me, "that's one good man you've got there. Now, will you please give me the joys of telling me this huge news and I'll act like I don't already know," she said excitedly clapping her hands together.

"Lysandra, I'm pregnant," I deadpanned, rolling my eyes and laughing as she broke out into a silent dance party.

"And what about you," I blurted, raising my eyebrow, something I knew she was jealous of, "word floating around is that you and Aedion have been seeing a lot of each other lately," I said in a suggestive tone.

She stopped dead, a blush creeping across her face. Lyssandra blushing! She was trying and failing to hold in a smile as she said shyly, "I hope it doesn't bother you."

"By the Wyrd, Lysandra, of course not. You'll have to tell me how you got tangled with that hot mess," I cried. I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a hug, "I missed you," I sighed over her shoulder.

"I missed you too," she whispered. When I backed away from her, I saw tears in her eyes and she croaked through her tears, "I can't believe you're going to be a mother."

"Frankly, I can't believe it either," I said, breathlessly.

"I better be the-wait," her eyes widened and she whispered, "they're coming."

She quickly wiped her eyes and leaned against the wall as I picked up the towel and started wiping my mouth. In mere seconds, I saw Aedion pop his head around the corner with a sympathetic smile on his face and a glass in his hand.

"Here Aelin," Aedion said, handing me the glass, "Rowan made this for you. He wouldn't tell me what it was, but he said it should help you feel better." From above the glass I saw Aedion stare at Lysandra without her knowing, and I giggled. He was opening his mouth and closing it, trying to say something.

I was drinking the contents when Dorian and Rowan appeared behind Aedion. I could tell Rowan was trying his hardest to look worried and not overjoyed.

"Okay boys, let's go. It's hardly appropriate to have a party in the lady's washroom," I chided and pushed everyone out of the room. Rowan waited in the hall until I got everyone out the door and when they all went in the sitting room, he kissed my forehead and led me down the hall to the others, hand in hand.

When I entered the room, I saw Dorian looking around aimlessly, whistling under his breath and noticed Lysandra sit right beside Aedion on the couch. All of his muscles tensed and he looked at her with a look that said, "what are you doing?"

She only smiled, I could tell she was enjoying every second of this, and leaned close to his ear, his eyes getting wider every second. I heard Lysandra whisper, "it's okay, she already knows."

I heard Aedion breath of relief, and he shot me a smile full of gratitude, he relaxed as I sat beside Rowan on the other couch. I assumed that Lysandra would be coming with us, so I explained why we were going to war in the first place. Lysandra's jaw dropped when I got to the part about Myriam and I sensed Dorian not breathing when I told them about the High Lord of the Night Court and his powers. I could hear their heartbeats quickening with every word I spoke.

When I finished explaining, I looked at them, at my friends who would stick by me through anything, and said, "this will not be easy so if anyone wants to back out, now is the time."

I was hit with silence, not a single word uttered. The only indication that they'd heard were their wide eyes, but no sign of hesitation written across their features.

"Okay, then I guess it's time to go," I said, clapping my hands together.

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