That moment when you can't get a girl out of your mind

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Chapter 1 of the new book. Yay! Y'all ready for this shit show again?

I wrote this in first and then decided to change it I'm so sorry.

The alleyway was coming along nicely. The interior wasn't done but the rest of it was looking good. The last of Grian's stained glass supply was used on the night sky, forcing him to stop for the day. He knew he'd have to go grinding tomorrow. Just as he was about to pack away the shulker box, something weird happened.

The blocks around him started dissolving. The parrot man backed up in shock and overstepped, falling to the ground. Time seemed to slow down around him, leaving him suspended in the air. Black spots danced in his eyes as the air around him became void.

Who else would be the one to greet him other than the spoiled princess herself, Alova.

"Hi, Xelquaaa," She said in her obnoxiously bubbly voice. It sounded weird in Galactic. She was somehow joyous and happy. At first, he had thought it was strange or forced until he found out why. She enjoyed the torture and blood. She was also a yandere for Grian so yay.

"Hi Alova," his answer was tired. This was all an illusion, probably. "Can you let me go, please? I need to finish this build."

"Oh~ what are you building?"

"The usual, working on my base, it's coming along nicely."

"Aha, I look forward to seeing it in person soon!"

"Keep dreaming." This had unfortunately become a common occurrence. Randomly showing up to try and worm out any information she could. It hasn't been very effective

"Aww~ don't be like that. Anyway, I came here to let you know that we found you so I can visit you sooner than we thought. I already have a few eyes on you!" Wait what.

"No you haven't and even if you did, you won't set foot in here until I drop dead. Which is to say, never."

"I'm hurt, but don't worry. Dad's lending me reinforcements. I hope you haven't cheated on me. I'd hate for something terrible to happen." That was a lie. She would love for something bad to happen. Especially when she considered most friendly interactions cheating.

That time Mumbo snuck a hug from him? The early-game grind with Scar? Complimenting someone else's build? All things she'd consider cheating.

"N-not at all."

"Good, good. Anyway, I'll prove that we have access to your world and your new player friends tomorrow. I hope you like my gift! I put a lot of energy into it~" With that the world loaded back in and there was no trace of anything weird ever happening. The only proof of her was a sadistic smile engraved in Grian's mind.

Speaking of Grian, he was still suspended in the air.

Wait, that probably jinxed it.

His fall resumed after a few seconds of hovering. Luckily, a friendly neighbourhood Xisuma was flying at the right place at the right time and flew right into him.

"Gah!" The air was a flurry of feathers and limbs as the two men tried to right themselves. X ended up grabbing Grian by his arm and landing the both of them on the ground. "Sorry 'bout that mate."

"It's all good, I just lost my footing on the roof." Despite the unnerving hallucination, he knew he had to play it cool lest he tipped off Xisuma that something was wrong. Luckily, he didn't notice or at least didn't say anything.

"Well, this is actually pretty good timing. Do you do custom orders from the G-train?"

Chapter one is short because the original chapter one was only like, 300 words, so I've tried to expand them out. The other parts will be longer I promise.

Haha, return of the birb.

Also, Imma put some of the cut Chapter title ideas here cuz they're so good;

Hallucinations in high places

Message from my crazy ex-girlfriend, what could possibly go wrong?

Homey hallucinations

Every glance at her I feel like I'm falling through the floor

How to toxic relationship 101

(Am willing to change the current title if people like another better)

Word count: 575

Old friends, new friends, and a little bit of regret (WTPMP Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now