5- An Unlikely Friend

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Now, I didn't have a lot of friends, but I had a few. The friends and I did have... well we helped each other. Francis was a friend who usually sought out my help. There were a few times (mostly when Catherina made my old life hell) when I went to him.

Today, is one of those times. Francis is an unlikely friend of mine because he's quite dangerous. He's the head of the Venzor guild, a guild that holds many secrets. Up front, he does what any other information guild would do- find people, look into things or whatnot. If you paid more money; he could do many things like find magical relics or make a person disappear- or whatever you wanted.

I won't get into the details of how we met, I will just say the last memory I have of him. I was the wrong one, the bad person. Catherina had just stolen my husband and I was alone. Francis, a dear friend, tried to help me run away. The day before I was to leave, Catherina knew of my plans and confronted me. I was forced to stay and watch her live my life, or if I left she would kill him in aiding a traitor.

The next day, he came to pick me up on a carriage- pretending to take me to a newly found excavation site. I had to stop our plan, but he couldn't know because Catherina was there, watching. I made a mess of things, throwing things at him and cursing him out. He was confused and sad when he finally left me and then I was all alone in castle of my enemy. He was the last bridge I burned.

I shake my head, no. That was a different time. That will not happen again. I hold my fan and look down at my dress. I won't be walked upon. Francis is still my friend and we care for one another. He will help me find Milo.

The carriage stops, an hour has passed from the Magic Tower to the Capital. I wait, knowing the spy of a guard will open my door and escort me to 'a late lunch'. I don't want that.

I've made a plan to abandon him. He cannot see me go into Francis' guild, the Prince will ask too many questions. No, he will leave me and I will run. From there, I will claim he has abandoned me. That should be a good enough reason to get rid of him.

My door opens and the guard smiles. "Maddox, go to the restaurant and order me a table. I want to wait here." I command. He hesitates, but nods and closes the door.

I watch him from the window. I wait until I see him cross the street and enter the restaurant I frequented. At that moment, I opened the door and jumped off. I closed the door and quickly ran, blending in with the sea of people.

Francis' guild wasn't far off. Two blocks down and a block to the right later, I stood in front of the doors. I cover my head with my hood before stepping in. There are some guild workers lounging about, laughing loudly and talking even louder. The crest on their chests were evidence to show their ranking and where they belong. Luckily, they pay me no attention.

I walk to the bar, Christa greets me as she pours me a beer. I don't take it, but lift my hood just the slightest so she can see my face. Her eyes widen and then smiles.

"Hello, Master." She greets me by my profession, the name I worked hard for. Many people greet me as Lady Solon, a name that reminds me of my family. But, my friends respect me and use my preferred title.

"Hello, Lady Christa." I greet kindly, using an honorific name, even though she's anything but. She laughs.

"Sir Francis is free. You do know where  to go, right?" She leans over.

"I do. Have a good one." I slide two gold coins, pure and true. I stand and watch as she takes them before I make my way up the stairs.

When I make it to Francis' door, I knock. I hear arguing from behind the door pause before a 'come in' instructs me.

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