24- The Substitute

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Earlier, I sent my father a letter to ask for the portal device, explaining how we can all benefit from it. Since I will be going to the Tower more frequently, I requested it to be placed in our house. 

He replied "Yes, in the drawing room that is currently unused."

As a Master, I was able to expedite the process and it's currently almost done. I did some last minute school year preparation, seeing that the Academy doors first open tomorrow and the festival occurs the weekend after that. The portal finished today, and I used it to enter the Academy. I'm glad it worked. I ended up in my office, working on last minute things for the Door Opening Ceremony.

"Master Giselle," I look up to see Kramer walking in. "The Grand Sorcerer has called for you."

I nod and thanks him before walking to his office. My robe drapes behind me, my white hair is in a thick single braid. I see people getting the place ready- dusting, cleaning, mopping before students walk these halls and make them lively once more.

I quickly make it to Milo's office, and knock on his door. I hear a 'come in' which I then open the door. I tame my fly aways, tucking them behind my ear.

When I walk in, I freeze when I see the Banished Prince standing alongside Milo. I don't know what to do. Milo waves me over and the Prince flashes a smile.

I slowly walk, looking at the Prince. He's tall, taller than Ivan by an inch or so. He has blonde hair that is shared with the King. He has bluer eyes and an easy smile rests on his lips. He has a Battle Knight uniform on, an outfit he received when he graduated years ago. I clench my jaw, not knowing how to act with a man my fiancé despises. 

"Your highness," I curtsy and lower my head.

"Please, don't call me that." He waves his hands. "Call me Adrian."

I frown, unsure if it's alright to call a Prince that, a man I don't even know. I make eye contact with Milo but he rolls his eyes. I remember he never really liked him when they were in school, they were academic rivals yet he wants him to become the King...

"Prince Adrian." I mutter and look back down, knowing not to look at the Prince.

"I'm sure you're confused. Let's all sit and talk!" Milo claps and all of a sudden there is a table filled with drinks and food. He snaps his fingers and all of a sudden I'm seat at said table. The wind that pushed me around was strong, so I smooth out my hair.

I always forget how easily Milo uses magic... and how strong it is. While I can use magic, I tend not to. I don't need it to survive, but Milo apparently thinks he needs to. He smiles, sipping his tea. I look down and see a cup of coffee, probably how I like it. I test it and the tiniest of smiles hit my lips.

"For the festival, you know how we allow alumni to enter the walls and explore and such. Well, I personally extended an invitation to Prince Adrian. He has just arrived today." Milo says, gesturing to the man who makes a face at the tea. From his face, I can assume he has burnt his tongue. We make eye contact and he awkwardly hides it.

I nod. I know Milo's plan to invite him and befriend him. I have to do whatever Milo says to make him King. Sitting here... I don't know how that stems from this... but I trust him.

"Was the travel hard?" I ask, trying for a conversation.

"No, I used the portal at Duke Driscol's house."

I raise my brows. "I forgot you're staying with your cousin. How is the cold?"

"Unbearable," Adrian laughs and the room brightens. I squint my eyes and I let out a forced chuckle.

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