12- Long Meetings

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Another night of a lackless sleep sent me into a chaotic morning. I woke up late, unsure of what today would hold. I had meetings set up with Master Ofran about my trial. It is happening in three days, the last day of the work week. I need to confirm some ideas with him.

The chaos started when I walked into the top floor where the offices of the Masters are. I was just about to head to my office to relax before my meetings started. However, Kramer ran to me and ushered me into an impromptu Ancient Magic meeting with my department.

Everyone was absolutely amazed and baffled at my decision to teach the history classes and have more helpers around me. I received praise from my people, smiles from scared faces and handshakes from those who used to be terrified to be around me.

I never thought I was scary, maybe a bit unapproachable because I was unfamiliar with idle chitchat. I was used to people automatically seeing me in a negative light, so I hardened my heart and ego. I had often thought about my peers seeing me in a positive light.

I had often wished to be seen in the way they were looking at me now. Now... it feels strange. I mimic their smiles and shake their hands. I feel unsure of how to take this positivity. I do my best to look happy even though I have the added work and stress on my plate. However, I can put my trust in Kramer to help me when things get difficult. Besides, I'll be giving him all of my stresses.

"Master," I look up from my papers at the man in front of me. "Many other Masters tend to grow arrogant in their position and not care about those in lower positions, like teachers. It's refreshing to know you care about us and the students. I think I speak for all of us when you strengthened our respect for you."

I pause, unsure of what to say. I look around the table, wondering if anyone would object, but there's no words. Every pair of eyes I come across has a smile underneath them. I shakily look to Kramer, my secretary who is able to comfort me. He just has a wide smile and nods his head.

"Everyone... I- I don't know what to say. I will admit that I took this role partly because we have no other person to teach these courses. But largely because I am curious about this upcoming year. We are receiving noble and common students alike meaning we can finally have more people join Ancient Magic."

Kramer starts laughing and it breaks my thought. He leans over and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I figured since she's very pretty, we can have more people too. The girls will look to her like role models and the boys... well you know how boys are!"

The people around the table laugh. I nervously chuckle, not really seeing how 'very pretty' I am, but I take his compliment with a grain of salt. I shake off Kramer's arm and he resumes his position on his chair.

I clear my throat and regain their attention. "In all honesty, I think I agreed to this for my own selfish reasons. I want more people to join my department. I love the people I work with, you are all keeping it together. I want more recognition for our hard work, no matter how small our department is. Besides, I missed being a student and learning. I think it would purely be a fun pastime."

"You're not selfish!"

"Even her selfishness saves us all."

"I'll miss her when she's gone."

Everyone's chattering ends with that final statement. I look down the table at a woman who covers her mouth in shock, as if she can't believe she said it. I make eye contact with her and her gaze drops. I look down and play with the ring on my finger.

"I know my engagement with the Crown Prince is no secret, but I love my job and I love working here. I don't want to give it up. Don't worry about me. I swear I'm going to be staying with all of you until I grow terribly old." I lift my eyes and smile with everyone and they smile back.

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