33- My Coming of Age

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I take a deep breath as I look at the mirror. I ignore the attendants rushing around me. I lightly touch my dress, amazed by the work of the royal dressmaker himself. He wipes a tear as he stops fluffing my dress and looks up at me, kneeling on one knee.

The white dress is gorgeous, the bodice is tight and hugs my chest in a flattering way which keeps my innocence but leaves room to the imagination. The dress itself has many layers which looks like petals of a pale pink rose. While it is customary for a woman to wear white, the dressmaker dyed it a gorgeous shade of ivory to compliment my already white hair. I move and the dress shifts in a beautiful way, acting like petals dancing in the wind.

"You've made the most beautiful dress," I gasp and thank the man. He grabs my hand, shaking his head and tells me I'm the reason why this dress looks amazing. I look at the beautiful pearl head piece that pins my hair to one side.

My closest maid comes to me and I see a necklace shaped jewelry box. I sigh and allow her to put the necklace the Prince has bought for me. I see the choker, a thick collar that holds heavy pearls. I take a sharp inhale as it's pressed around my neck. I close my eyes and remind myself that I am alive and this isn't my rope of death.

I open my eyes as I hear a knock on the door. It's time. I nod my head and turn to face the Prince who enters the room. I am in the royal palace, my coming of age held in the Pearl Palace, a palace dedicated to the Queen of the nation. This was intentionally done to show off our betrothal and the relationship between the two families.

"How do I look?" I ask, putting on a show in front of the attendants who coo on how pretty I am. I show off the dress, looking at the dressmaker with a smile.

"Why did you make her look so pale?" He asks the dressmaker, walking towards us. My smile drops, not surprised by his attitude. I roll my eyes and walk to the Prince.

"We should leave." I say and then look at the dressmaker who looks shocked and somewhat angry by what the Prince said of his designs. "Thank you for all of your work."

The dressmaker bows to the both of us. Prince Ivan grabs my hand, wrapping it around his arm and leads me out of the room. The hallway is deserted, all the attendants are currently working in the ball below us. The sun is low, about to set which means the party is officially starting.

We walk silently, no words spoken between us. There isn't anything for us to say to each other. We are not happy with each other, but we must be cordial. I know he is only doing this because the King is forcing him. We make it down to the main hallway and I see we are about to enter through the doors where my destiny will officially change.

I take a deep breath, standing straight and wiping my face of anxiety. The doors open and we are announced to the entire hall. We walk forward and the crowd parts for us, letting us walk towards the King and the Queen.

I look around the room, seeing the lights shine in a magical way thanks to the work of the Elemental Master. I watch the room and smile at all of those I know- fellow Masters, new friends and my family. I try to find Catherina, but I don't find her amid the crowd.

We pause in front of the older King and Queen and let go of each other. Ivan drops to a knee while I do a deep curtsy. We both bow our heads to show the upmost respect for our rulers. The King tells us to rise. I look up and see he has a stretched hand, telling us to walk up the steps. Ivan follows his father's wordless demand and I copy him.

I grab the King's hand and he embraces me, a display that he approves of me, a warning to the nobles who don't respect me.  I smile and hug him back, listening to him tell me I look beautiful tonight. I thank him and the Queen hugs me next. She gives me a fake smile and a fake compliment, but I thank her nonetheless.

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