13- Dinner and Trial Plans

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After a long night of translating the Ancient language, I successfully translated a single sentence which was celebrated with a few hours of sleep. I woke in the morning and continued with my other duties which took a majority of my day.

Halfway through the day and after my lunch, a spider came into my room. He wordlessly crawled through my window balcony and made his way to my couch where he proceeded to sleep.

Sir Pine didn't acknowledge me nor did I call out to him. I still don't know what to make of him. He seemingly seems content enough to be around me, but he doesn't make much conversation which is fine by me. I didn't bother speaking first.

Our mutual silence was broken by a frenzy of chaos that started with a knock on my door. Sir Elliot knocks on my door then starts to open it. I throw the a balled up piece of paper to Sir Pine who is already running towards me.

As I hear his footsteps round the corner to where I will be in his view, Sir Pine ducks underneath my desk. I take a deep breath as I see his body crams itself under my desk. I stand by my bookcase, pretending to look for a book.

"Master!" I look up from my the random book in my hand to see Sir Elliot's happy face. He waves a letter around which catches my attention.

"Sir Elliot, good evening." I force a smile on my face and look at my desk. I can see his leg sticking out. I walk to my desk and slowly push my chair in, pushing his leg in so Sir Elliot cannot see.

"The young Master..." He gives me the letter with a laugh. "There are so many masters of the house, it's hard to differentiate it. Anyways, your brother has invited you to dinner."

I pause at his words, momentarily stopping. I quickly open the letter and see my brother's handwriting indeed inviting me to dinner. I narrow my eyes and look up at a grinning soldier.

"Alright," I sigh. "I'm hungry anyways." Sir Elliot cheers and tries to high five me when I stand near him. This isn't a celebratory reason for a high five. I weakly high five him and look back at my desk, wondering if Sir Pine will stay or leave. I purse my lips and start the walk out of my study.

I ignore Sir Elliots babbling as I try to think of why my brother has invited me to dinner. I'm sure Sebastian told him of our conversation, or limited it to the details- he's no longer helping me.

My mind has been racing and I didn't realize we were coming towards the dining hall. I narrow my eyes when I see Sebastian entering the room, not yet seeing me. I take a deep breath and mentally arm myself for a fight.

I walk into the dining hall and the conversation between my brother and his secretary stops. Elric is seated at the head of the table and Sebastian leans over his chair. I spot four placemats and I take one of the empty ones. Sir Elliot stands behind me, an almost comforting figure but I remind myself he's my brothers, not mine.

I smooth out my dress as I sit and look to my brother. "I won't speak to you if he is here." I narrow my eyes at Sebastian who looks equally as mad.

"I told you she would never work with you, why are you entertaining her?"

"I don't want to work with you," I point my finger at the secretary for added emphasis.

"We never wanted to work with you. You came to us. I do everything so you have to work with me."

"Then I will leave-"

"Stop," Sir Elliot tries to cut off our arguing, but I'm already standing up.

"I don't trust you. All I've ever heard was how terrible you are- to your maids and your brother. When he broke his arm you didn't even come! When-"

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