6- A Lady in the Park

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I've left the guild and decided to head to the park. After leaving Francis', I spoke to Christa who nursed a beer. She happily told me that some exotic flowers from the east were just planted in the square. These flowers bloomed a different color when touched by a person- showing what their fortune is.

I decided to see it, believing this elven magic. So that's where I was, strolling along the park passing by other people who were walking. There weren't many people, either they were working or had gotten off early. Mostly children roamed around and older adults enjoyed the fresh air.

"Lady Solon?" I freeze at my name and turn to see Lady Milana Horla, daughter of a count.

"Lady Horla," I greet her with a nod, she greets me with a small curtsy. I acknowledge that display of respect, she recalls that even though I am often alone, I still rank higher than her.

I look into her eyes. She's always been pretty kind to me, but stupid and easily swayed. In my past life, she's never spoken ill of me, but she's never defended me either. She died at an early age, I believe she was one of the many victims of the serial killer.

"What're you doing here?" She asks, holding an umbrella over her head for sun protection.

"I've heard of the new flowers planted from the east. I'm come to see them." I smile, reminding myself I have to be approachable to make friends.

"Oh," she smiles. "I've come to see them as well. Walk with me?"

I look at her, not sensing any ill- will and nod. She walks forward and links arms with me, holding the umbrella for the both of us. Any other passer-by would think we were close friends.

"Lady Horla, do you often come to the Capitol?" I ask, trying to start conversation.

"Yes, my father owns a few stores so I came to buy some clothes." She hums. "Have you visited the Boutique Talina?"

"Yes, I love the designs especially the embroidery done on the dresses." I lie, never hearing of that store before.

"Yes, I do too." She sighs with content. I stare at her, dull eyes but a smile on her face. She has no worries and it's evident by the thin lips pulled up in a dazed smile.

I can see her struggling to hold the umbrella. I enchant it so that it's bigger and can hold itself without our support. She claps with delight and throws compliments at me which make me like her.

We've reached the flower garden, a worker dresses on green greets us. He tells us how to handle the flower- cup each side and blow on it. I give him a hesitant look, not believing what the blowing does. He winks and leaves us be.

I let go of Lady Horla, going back out into the sun and kneeling. I carefully find one of the many flowers in front of me and hold both sides. I take a deep breath and blow out.

I watch as it changes color from white to a deep red. The worker comes up, a straight face. He instructs Lady Horla to do the same. She cups both sides and blows quickly. I watch as hers turns into a shade like my own.

"What does this color mean?" I ask the worker. He looks hesitant now and clears his throat.

"Red means bad fortune. Either it could be immediate or life- lasting. But usually it's immediate." He gives us a forced smile.

I frown, not liking this at all. I look to Lady Horla who looks disturbed and worried.

"-But," the worker speaks up. "It could be something as small as a bee or a trip on the ground. I wouldn't worry."

"A bee? I'm allergic to bees." Lady Horla whimpers. She reaches over to grab my hand.

"It'll be okay. We're together." I smile, but I can't comfort myself. I stand and she follows me. I grab onto the umbrella as she holds onto me. She's younger than me, freshly introduced into society but everyone loves her. She reminds me of what a younger sister should be.

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