32- The Bulnan Chief

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The week was chaotic. I had spent the time juggling between classes, answering questions my TAs didn't know, meeting with various people in my department, meetings with all the Masters, private meetings with the Grand Sorcerer, ignoring the Princes, appointments set up for my birthday party, researching Sir Pine's curse and trying to set up a meeting with Duke Driscol who ignored every letter.

It's two days before my party and I arranged a meeting with the Chief of the Bulnan tribe. Milo and I met with the Chief in the dark night. We had a formal meeting with him, my brother and the Pope to talk of future negotiations of sharing knowledge. But tonight, we were to talk about the private deal that I have to deal with.

Milo teleported to me and then he took the both of us to the meeting spot. A dark cloak covered my head and silhouette which I was grateful for. We are in a dark alley and I recognize it as the Undergrounds, the place where I was attacked a few weeks ago. I didn't want to be recognized and potentially attacked once again.

"You best be careful of him. He's a caged animal who we've tamed the slightest. Do not show hesitation or weakness because he can take your life if he feels if you can't help him with his plans." I don't have time to respond to that because Milo ushers me to a door which opens after a specific set of knocks. I see a tall dark man in unusual clothing. I recognize him as a Bulnan, a foreigner through and through. I quickly follow Milo, letting the foreigner guide us up the stairs and through the deserted apartment.

As I follow the man, I feel my anxiety rise as I wonder what was the cost of my life. I had upset the balance of nature. I know the cost is steep, but with their demands... it seems like an unlikely dream.

We enter through a door and the smell of Sandalwood, amber and... some other scent my trained nose could not pick up. Since I work with Ancient Magic, I often have to use herbs but this soft smell was delectable and I wanted to smell more of it. I wanted to lay down and sleep, wrapped in a drowsy haze of everlasting sleep.

I walk through the apartment and admired the way it is decorated. Rugs of dark  varying reds cover the floor, soft against my shoes. I can instantly tell they were imported and worth a fortune. The hallways of the old building were decorated with some art and colorful mosaics, bringing life to the room. I followed behind the men, the new culture mesmerizing to the eye.

We came to a room and I saw that the walls were draped by a fabric that gave the resemblance of a tent that was inviting due to the many, many pillows, rugs and cushions littered about. There was a small circular table that had food, a teapot and some candles. Candles were placed everywhere to give off light.

In the middle of the tent- like room, there was a dark spot where the light barely hit. I saw a man lean forward. He had white hair that I recognized to be a sign of Creator's favorites, similar with my hair. He leaned forward, his dark brown body was covered in light. He had a robe on and a shirt was missing. He has gold jewelry hanging from his dreadlocks and neck, a perfect sign of lazy luxury.

We made eye contact, yellow eyes of gold against my green. I broke eye contact and follow Milo, sitting across from him and next to the Bulnan Chief. I couldn't stop staring at him. I settle on a cushion that was very comfortable.

I've heard many stories of his kind, and this was my first time meeting a Bulnan. People spoke of their dark skin color, the way they were vicious and grotesquely horrifying to look at. However, looking at this man... he was incredibly handsome and that made me ignore all that others have said. He waved his hand and the man left us alone with him.

He looks at me, leaning forward so we were sharing breaths. "So, you are the one we saved." He looks me up and down, eyes heavy on every part that he lands on. I feel myself stand up straighter, showing him that I was meant for a second life.

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