18- The Morning After

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That same night, my brother and I were quietly spending time with one another. I was invited to his office where we drank wine that turned to coffee as the night bled into day. We first talked and then busied ourselves with work- both insomniac workaholics.

It was a nice moment, it reminded me of when we were younger. We were put in the same study which would make it easier for our tutors to teach us. Even though we were at different levels, whenever I had issues when I was younger, I would go to Elric for help. This was before our father pitted us against each other. This was before we were angry and detested one other.

I remember standing next to his desk, watching his pen drag across the paper to teach me some arithmetic, a subject I am still bad at. I remember how he used to pat my head when I got a question right and showed him with glee.

But now we are older, experts in our prospective fields that couldn't interest the other. He is the man my father wanted, a son that would be a great Captain, who would uphold our family's pietical duties. I am the daughter that disappointed my father. I believe in the Magic Tower, an organization that my father distrusts and hates because they don't believe in the gods.

We are so different, and yet we help each other now. He has helped me in the trial, using his title and the people he has under his hand to clear my name and help with my agenda. At the end of my life, he had tried to save me but it was too late.

Now, I gave him a tool that he can use to purify the knighthood, a tool he can use to put whoever he wants as the Captain of the Imperial Knights. I help him now, so that he will help me in the future.

A messenger came to us in the early morning, a few hours before the sun rose, with terrible news from the day before. The newspapers were being bought out. The Count is trying to save his own skin and making me look bad to the public.

Articles upon articles cite what had occurred at the trial of the century, but they paint me as a monster. It turns out I'm the horrific beast that seeks to control the public's money (I don't own businesses nor do I care for more that what I have now), seek their land (I am just a daughter who will be married off- I have no land), and keep all the magic to myself (its physically impossible to do so).

The public's opinion of me is... less than favorable due to the trial. We don't want to fan the flames.

Elric was furious. He yelled for his trusted guards, his soldiers I've met for the first time. He sent them all to stop the spread of the misinformation. They ran to work, loyal to my brother.

Sebastian woke up and went straight to business, which was funny to see him in a robe. His hair was unkempt and the navy robe was humorous. Between the three of us, we came up with a new script for the newspapers to print out. It took about two hours, but we managed to make one for each major distributing agency.

As we wrote it, Elric called for our cousin, our family lawyer, to come in. As we finished and instructed new guards on what to do: out-pay/ threaten the agencies to release our work, my cousin Lawrence walked in.

By this time, Sebastian had changed his clothes and now looks presentable. Elric was still furious at the situation. He seeks to sue Count Masik for blasphemy against our family name.

After a round of arguing, we had all agreed to keep it quiet, not make it public. I didn't want the public to pay any more attention to me. I wanted to do my work as quietly as I can so I can avoid the public eye.

Elric wanted to throw that plan away and fight it publicly. "It's disgraceful to let a mere Count tarnish our good ducal name." Elric sneers.

I rub my temples out of frustration. "I don't want any more attention. If we keep this battle public, the nobility and the commoners will always think of me as the one who took their magic. I- I just want to do it silently and let that image of me lie to waste. Please, brother."

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