21- The Grand Sorcerer

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I look down at the piece of paper in my hands, a letter from Francis. He had sent over a raven, saying that the Grand Sorcerer, Milo, has returned. I needed to get to the Capital quickly, so I decided to teleport.

In my house, I'm not allowed to practice magic, a promise I had made when I was younger. My father made me swear, an oath that would leave me in excruciating, physics pain if I used strong magic in this household.

It was meant to deter me from using the magic I learned in school. The stronger I became, the more it hurt. His plan had worked, a little too well. I needed to practice magic when I was home for my studies, but the oath didn't permit it. Instead, I was a year- round student of the academy, choosing to not return home unless it was important.

I bite my lip, this is worth it, even if I am in pain. I need to see Milo. I quickly packed a bag with a potion that gets rid of my pain and some paperwork I wanted Milo to see. Before leaving, I grabbed a necklace that changes one's appearance. I only change my hair color, not needing a life altering change.

The public isn't happy with me, they still think I am to blame for their lack of magical weapons. I'm also nervous that someone would find me and take me, take me against my will to do whatever they want, or worse, take me to Prince Ivan. All I had to do, was stay out of sight.

I grabbed everything and teleported. I ended up in a park near the guild. Instantly, my muscles spawned and I fell. I arch my back, grinding my teeth to hold back a scream. With shaky hands, I reach into my pack and take out the vial. I force myself to a sitting position and drink it quickly.

I collapse against the nearest tree and feel the effects of the potion. My head stops spinning, my nerves stop screaming and my muscles slowly relaxes. I lower my hood as I feel the effects of the oath wither away.  Once I am fine enough, I stand.

When I get up and walk the short road to the guild, I see that the building empty for once. It is early in the morning, so the wild crowd should be sleeping away or at a job. I don't see the friendly bartender, so I just make my way up the stairs.

I take off my necklace and knock on the door. I wait some seconds before the door opens. I see Sir Francis and I smile, hugging him as he greets me with his famous hug. He leads me inside and I pause when I see Milo. He looks weathered, he has definitely traveled far. He has a beard now, something I wasn't sure he could grow. His hair is wild and his clothes are battered. But he's here, my friend is here.

"Giselle, you're here!" Milo laughs and runs to me. I sigh with relief and meet him halfway, wrapping my arms around him. He holds onto me tightly, spinning me around which is very unusual.

"Milo, I'm so glad to see you!" I laugh as he sets me back on my feet. The spinning did not help me, making a headache quickly form which I ignore.

"It worked," he grabs my hands and inspects me. He turns me around, carefully looking at me intently. "You're alive."

He must've read the news articles about the trial. "Yes," I nod. "The serial killer didn't kill me. I'm al-"

"No, not that." His eyes look to my neck and he carefully touches my bare skin. I pause and look at him, wondering if he knows.

"Milo?" I gasp, unsure of what to say in case he doesn't know.

We make eye contact, green watery eyes against blue teary ones. His curly light brown hair hangs over his eyes, but they can't disguise the tears forming. He knows. He knows I've died, why else would he be reacting this way. How else can he know I was killed by hanging. I touch my throat, my hand over his. I nod my head and a sob escapes.

"I'm so glad you're alive. I'm so glad it worked." He embraces me, his hand cradling my head and I grip his shirt. I can't help but sob, a wave a sadness and fear washed over me, emotions I haven't dared interpret before now hit me.

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