11- The Memory Orb

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It's been five days since I've been attacked by the person who tried to kill me. The past two days I've been looking over the history of magic curriculum, deciding what I will want to be changing. I'm currently hunched over my rather large circular desk where I can keep more textbooks open. It's late in the day, dinner has ended when a knock on my door interrupts me.

I walk over to the door and see Sir Elliot standing in front of me. "Master Solon, someone is here to see you. He says he's your uh... best friend. Should I send him away?"

I narrow my eyes, only knowing one person who would refer to himself that way. "No, let him in. He's allowed to come in this room, thank you."

There's only one reason why Francis would be here at this late hour... he has news on Milo. I take a deep breath, walking towards my desk. I look at the empty fireplace. I snap my fingers and fire lights up the space, making the room warmer in the cool evening summer. I watch the flames until a knock and the opening of the door grabs my attention. I turn around and see two people enter my study- Francis and Sir Pine.

Francis lets out a whistle as he looks around the room. Sir Pine silently glances around my study. I know my study is big and it's impressive which makes sense for my title. "Gentlemen, it's a surprise to see you both. Sir Pine, I thought you would be in the North by now. I remember asking for evidence on the-"

"I have it." Sir Pine takes off his hood and reveals a memory orb hiding in his cloak. He has it in his hands, and slowly walks to me. 

I nod, surprised to see him have it so quickly. How was he able to buy a memory orb, an orb that is very expensive? How was he able to go to the northern point of our country, cross the border into no- man zone, get video of the cave and return in... 5 days? It's almost impossible. I was expecting him to return in two weeks minimum. 

"That's great. Please hand it to me." I extend my hand, inviting for both of the men to meet me in the middle. I walk forward for a bit and then Francis throws his hands around me. He holds me tightly, not giving me room to separate. 

"Giselle!" He presses his cheek against mine. "You have no idea how scared I was when I heard you were attacked."

I look over Francis' shoulder to make eye contact with Sir Pine. I mouth out a help due to Francis squeezing me tightly to the point where I can't tell him to get off of me. Luckily, Sir Pine knows how to read lips so he pulls our friend off of me. I sigh with relief, rolling my shoulders back.

"God Francis!" I exclaim, my right shoulder suddenly cramping from his strength. "I was getting better until you almost crushed me to death."

"I'm sorry," Francis shrugs Sir Pine off of him. "I'm just too worried about you." Francis steps forward and grabs my cheeks. He moves my head around which I allow him to see the fading scars. They look a lot better with the potions that my coworker has given me. He's told me that they should fade and I will have no scarring. 

"See, I'm still alive. It'll be hard to kill me," I mutter out the truth. Francis peers into my green eyes with his light brown ones and then huffs.

"You're not allowed to visit me anymore. I'll come to you." Francis orders me and I nod my head, happy to hear that he is worried over my safety. It's kind of weird to hear, but sweet at the same time. I walk around the friendly pest and walk to Sir Pine.

"Sir Pine, I owe you my life. Please give me the memory orb so I can save yours. Please have a seat." I gesture to the round table where my many textbooks lay open.

The Northern soldier steps forward and I notice the same gaze that Francis has as he makes sure I'm okay. "Lady Solon-"

"Master. Master Solon." I interrupt him.

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