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"i thought you weren't coming over anymore." cole sassed.

"i lied." i stated. she kept reading the book in her hand and didn't even look me in the eyes. "can you please put the book down for a second?" i calmly asked.

"sure" she replied, put the book down and waited for me to start talking.

"i'm sorry for what i did the other day. it's just coming back home is never easy for me, especially seeing the disappointment in dads face every time i look at him. and here you are working really hard to become who you want to become in the future, i guess it triggered something in me and i snapped. i want you to know i am very proud of you. you're the only one that keeps me sane in this house anyways." i said, and waited for her response while biting the insides off my cheeks.

"i'm not even mad, come here." she extended her arms for me to hug her. i got up, sat next to her and cuddled with her instead.

"you know i hate that you're always gone. you've always kept me sane ever since we were little, you were always there for me. whenever something crazy would happen in the house, i had you there and i would sleep with you in your room. i feel safe with you, i miss you a lot."

"i'm sorry." was all that i could mange to get out.

"it's okay. i know that you can't stay here, it's not good for you. besides i'm leaving as soon as i'm done with school, i'm gonna live at the dorms." she said.

"that's probably for the best." i chuckled. "i wish dad was more understanding like you are. i swear i'm trying my best i've had a trillion jobs but i can't seem to find the thing that makes me happy."

"he just expects us to be these masterminds that know exactly what they want in life and go persue it like he did." she shook her head.

"you still don't know what you want to major in?" i asked.

"i have no idea what i want to do with my fucking life, i'm just pretending like everything is under control when i am really freaking out from inside. all i know is that it has to do something with business, cause if my shit goes wrong i'll just work at dad's company. somebody has to inherit it after he's dead or retired" she answered.

"when did we grow up?" i frowned my brows.

"i don't know bro, it's so scary. like when did i become nineteen? and your old ass is 22? i can't believe it."

"i can't believe you just called me old." i looked at her in disbelief. that shit hurt like a bullet, god fucking damn.

"i'm just spitting facts. 22 sounds pretty old to me." she shrugged.

"you're gonna be 22 in three years!"

"yeah! in three years." she blinked dramatically at me.

"that's just rude." i pointed my index finger.

"old ass." she teased.

"at least i can legally drink." i stuck my tongue out.

"i hate you." she glared.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now