end of an era

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"ugh, i love london so much! it's like my home away from home." billie gushed as we were walking through the streets with no destination. "i wish i was born here."

"don't get me wrong, but i don't get it. what is it about london that makes you feel that way?" i asked, genuinely curious for her answer.

"i don't know, it's the people. it's the vibes, it's the weather. it's everything honestly." she shrugged.

"fair enough." i nodded. "aren't you sad tour is coming to an end though?" we swayed our hands back and forth very aggressively.

"of course i am, i'm gonna miss this but i can't wait to finally be back home too. we're going to go apartment hunting, claud's is going to have her gender reveal, thanksgiving is right around the corner, and i just wait to be with my friends and family again." she answered.

"want some ice cream?" i asked as i spotted a local ice cream shop a couple feet away.

"you want to get ice cream while it's literally freezing?" she questioned me.

"what? it's the best weather to get ice cream! ice cream always tastes better when it's cold outside, it doesn't even melt." i defended myself.

"fine, let's go see what they got." she caved. i sent a cheeky smile her way, grabbed her hand once again and entered the shop. "you want the strawberry flavor right?"

"yeah, but i want to try something new though." i bit my lips compensating on what i should do.

"then get two scoops, one this and one that." billie suggested.

"i know but i don't want two scoops, that's too much for me. i'll get bloated." i shook my head.

"what other flavors do you wanna try?" she asked.

"i don't know if i should get the cookie dough one or the cookies and cream." i answered.

"sorry for the wait, can i please have a scoop of strawberry ice cream in a cup, and then one scoop of cookie dough and a second scoop of cookies and cream in another cup please?" billie ordered.

"yup, your total will be nine pounds." the young women behind the counter said, billie payed for the order and we both took our cups.

"you didn't have to do that dingus." i scrunched up my face as we walked out of the shop.

"dingus?" she laughed. "it's okay, i wanted to get the cookies and cream one anyway." she shrugged.

"you're too good for me." i shook my head.

"are you kidding me? don't ever say that ever again."

"well you're gonna make me lie, and i don't like lying. i'm sure you don't too." i said as i scooped some ice cream from billie's cup.

"shut up." she rolled her eyes at me.

"you guys are aware that this is the last show of this tour, right?" billie asked and the crowd roared louder than ever. "wow."

"you better end it off on a good note or else i'm quitting and you wish i was joking." she threatened. "this is you should see me in a crown."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now