i don't understand

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"i think i drank too much." blue leaned on a wall, holding her stomach.

after setting up everything major in the house, except for our bed, both blue and i's family and friends decided to have a little get together to celebrate. we had a couple drinks while blue only had one. she can drink but not the extensive amount, and it's not the first time i've seen her drink. she's never gotten sick after one glass, or ever for that matter.

"you only had one glass baby, are you sure it isn't something you ate?" i frowned, i grabbed her arm and put it around my shoulders. "i got you, do you wanna go to bed?" i asked and she nodded her head.

"billie take me to the bathroom." blue said as soon as we got to our bedroom and started running to the toilet seat, nealed down and started screeching, coughing and barfing. i immediately started holding her hair at the back of her head and rubbing her back.

when she was done, and spat all the remaining shit, she positioned herself to sit on the floor while her back was resting on the wall. she took a couple moments to stabilize her breath and then breathed, "holly shit."

"you've been throwing up a lot lately, i'm kinda starting to get worried blue." i pointed out.

"oh it's fine, i go through these phases. don't worry." she brushed me off, shaking her head.

"yeah no, that's not going to slide." i shook my head. "when is your next appointment?"

"next week on thursday." she answered.

"that's too far away, we are going tomorrow together. you can't say no to that, it's not a choice and don't make me call your dad because you know he's way worse than i am." i threatened.

"damn, okay fine. but i can assure you nothing is wrong." she laughed.

"get up dumbass and brush your teeth." i slapped her thigh.

"ow!" she yelled, rubbed her own thigh, but still got up. "i'm gonna need a new toothbrush, there is no way i'm using this one ever again."

"you should have a toothbrush only designated for post throw up." i commented.

"that's the grossest yet smartest thing i've ever heard." she looked truly fascinated.

"well that's the best compliment i've ever gotten." i put my hand on my chest acting like i was grateful and in awe.

"that's very sad billie, it may be the saddest thing i've ever heard you say." blue said, already brushing her teeth.

"really? then you haven't heard about the time lady gaga called me short." i raised both brows.

"and you haven't heard about the time a very hungry squirrel refused take a nut from my hands when i was very kindly offering."  she said.

"and you haven't heard about the time a taco bell worker put cheese on top of every single bean burrito i bought."

"and you haven't heard about the time alivin and the chipmunks turned out to be made up! straight up FAKE!" she spit the toothpaste out of her mouth. "my hands are so itchy!" she scratched them.

"use my lotion." i suggested.

"no i already used it last month, i'm gonna use my own." she shook her head, reaching out to get her body cream and started rubbing it all over her hands.

"are you sure you're feeling okay?" i frowned my brows, examining my girlfriend. "you look kind off pale."

"yeah, i just barfed my guts out." she chuckled. "i'm fine baby, it's all good." she walked out of the bathroom, into the closet and picked out a pajama for herself then came back into the bathroom.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now