boy or girl?

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i'm not usually like this, i usually am very easily making new friends and talking to whoever but i'm really anxious right now. there are a lot of people here that i don't know. i mean, i kind of know them from social media, which immediately intimidates me, depending on who they are though.

i'm just kind of sitting on the couch pretending to be at my phone when i have nothing and no one to text. since everyone i know is here and talking to someone else i don't know. i was so excited for the gender reveal party but now i just want to go home.

i feel so bad right now, because claudia is so excited and so am i, but i don't look like i am. i don't think she cares though cause i haven't seen her at all except for the moment she greeted me when i arrived. but it's the personal feeling i get? i guess? it's just me beating myself up for it.

"hey pretty, what are you doing sitting here all by yourself?" billie frowned her brows.

"i don't know, i don't feel good. my lower back hurts so bad and i think i'm getting my period soon." i answered.

"oh no." she blanked for a second. "do you want me to grab you some pain killers? we're probably going to be here for a while and i don't want you to be in pain all the time."

"yes please that would be great." i nodded.

"okay, i'll be right back. don't move an inch." billie waked away.

"hi, how are you doing?" a blonde girl flopped on the couch beside me. "you look like you're socially drained just like i'm supposed to be right now but i'm not for some reason, which is very surprising for me."

"i could be doing better a actually, really bad cramps at the moment." i answered.

"ugh that must suck, I'm emma by the way." she said.

"yeah i know, I'm blue." i introduced myself.

"i know who you are." she sat up straight. "team boy or team girl?"

"team girl baby." i smirked and showed off my pink sunglasses and nails. "i actually made a bet with billie on this child. what about you, team boy or team girl?"

"i wore blue and pink so i don't look like a fool that is wearing the opposite color of the baby's gender, like how embarrassing is that? but im team pink." she answered. "how much did you bet?"

"a hundred dollars." i answered.

"that's bold." she widened her eyes.

"i got you another brand, i don't know what it's called because they were out from the one we usually get, but mom said it the same exact thing, just manufactured by a different company. that's stupid, why would they do that?" billie was back with my pill and a glass of water.

"oh, thank you." i took the pill and the water from her.

"you met emma!" she finally realized.

"she's winning the bet by the way, get her money ready." emma spoke up.

"oh yeah, how are you so sure?" billie raised a brow. while i was gulping down the whole glass of water to get that damn pill down my throat.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now