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"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2.... 1!! happy birthday!" i looked at the white frosted mini cake i baked myself earlier today.

"you would've been kinda old by now... 25? you were literally going to say 'i'm in my mid twenties' if that doesn't scream grandma i don't know what does."

"today is your big day, "red" is out at seven pm. there's going to be an album release party. you're invited obviously, you still haven't made your way back here at least not loudly enough for me to hear you."

"i just wanted to say i'm proud of you and i hope you're proud of the album because it's really going some places. people are so excited for it and i know it won't disappoint them."

"anyways, i have to go get some sleep. big day ahead. i love you."

"are you sure it's okay for me to wear this today? i mean... she wanted to wear it. she was the one that should've worn this today, not me." i said, looking at the gorgeous black dress blue had bought for herself with the intention to wear it on the night her album released.

"which is exactly why you should wear it!" ivy said while she applied her lipstick.

"she would have wanted you to wear it, trust me." riley said.

"i don't know, i just feel like if i wear this, it's like i'm taking the credit for all her hard work. she put this as a thing to do once she'd reached her goal of completing her album. like a personal reward for herself to feel good." i shrugged, still staring at it.

"then you feel good in it! she definitely would've loved to see you in it, if not herself, you looked gorgeous when you tried it on." ivy tried to convince me to wear it.

"i know i looked gorgeous, but i have another outfit i brought. maybe i should just wear that and it'll be better than this." i went into my bag to take out the spare outfit i packed.

"no! i swear to god billie if you don't wear the dress i will not talk to you for week and i'll rip that outfit in your hands apart." riley threatened.

"okay, jeez. i'll wear it." i threw the outfit on the chair and started changing into the dress.

"see that what i'm talking about! you look sexyyy!" riley catcalled.

"fuck you." i rolled my eyes.

"come here, this blush is stunning and it needs to go on your cheekbones." ivy gently grabbed my chin to face her and started applying some cream blush with a brush.

"should i wear the boots, heals or sneakers?" i asked.

"she would've gone for the sneakers." ivy answered, going back to doing her own makeup.

"yup, her signature touch on every outfit." riley agreed.

"boots it is then."

"why is it everytime i hear someone say boots, i remember siri raping boots and cats?" riley frowned for a second. "that will forever haunt my brain. like i actually think siri's voice is always raping in the back of my mind and i am not conscious of it... until i am?"

"riley, you're not even drunk right now. how do you manage to say the most interesting yet mind boggling stupid shit ever, i will not understand." ivy shook her head.

"hey, i'm not the only one. billie has the same thinking pattern as mine, i know that for a fact."

"i agree with that, that sounds like it could be true." i nodded.

"it is true." riley insisted.

"you know what i don't feel like?" i had a disgusted look on my face. "i don't feel like having celebrities and people i barely talk to come up to me and tell me how sorry they are. they didn't even know blue, they're literally just here for connections, content and promo."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now