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"are there bears here?" i asked while looking around.

"bears?!" blue scrunched up her face, "do you really think bears would be in the middle of the dessert?"

"i don't know, you could find a polar bear in the rain forests nowadays from global warming and shit." i said in a matter of factly.

"you're not wrong." blue paused for a second, her index finger hanging in the air. "but there are no bears here, chill." she reassured me. "although there maybe some scorpions, lizards, spiders excetra."

"that's fine." i answered.

"so you're scared of bears and not scorpions?" blue paused again.

"yeah, if you were to encounter a scorpion your chance so survival would be greater than of you encountering a bear, if a hungry bear spotted you, you're gonna one hundred percent be dead." i explained.

"i'm not sure about a you statistics"

"so you're telling me you would survive a bear attack?"

"maybe, i don't know." she answered.

"you wouldn't."

"at least ill look hot trying to fight it."

"you won't look hot dead." i deadpanned

"i think other wise."

"looks like you're experiencing denial at its finest."

"now look who's being rude" she rolled her eyes are me.

"if facts to you are considered rude, i think you should get your shit together."

"i have my shit together." she rolled my eyes yet again.

"sure" i shook my head, "also, if you don't stop rolling your eyes they're gonna get seriously stuck, it's got to hurt to do that a million times a second."

"just because you said that my eyes started hurting." she blinked way too hard.

"you good?" i laughed.

"uh huh, yup, just give me a minute." she sat down and closed her eyes.

it looked more serious, like it was more than her eyes hurting because she rolled her eyes, there was something else. i frowned my brows, walked over to where she was and sat down next to her, "are you okay? where does it hurt?"

"it's nothing, i just have a headache all of a sudden." she answered.

"do you need anything? a water and some advil? mom made me pack a lot of things in case something goes wrong." i spoke softly as i stoked her hair.

"yeah, that would be great." she replied.

i quickly stood up to get to my bag and get the pill for blue and on my way i grab her water bottle. "here" i said, extending my arm for her to take the medicine. she finally raised her head, took the pill and as soon as she swallowed it, she said, "there's this ringing in my ear, it's the worst."

"do you want to go in the tent? just for a little while? until you feel better?" i asked.

"no, it's okay. i feeling better already. you didn't have to worry that much." she gestured me to lay next to her on the tarp.

"of course i would've worried. that came out of nowhere, is this weird to you too or do always get these headaches?" i questioned.

"no, they're regular, i usually get them at home where i can just sleep it off or take a pill right when i think it's coming." she answered.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now