Do The Right Thing

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As Bucky sailed down the street on his bike, he swore to himself for the way that had gone.

Francesca's frightened expression had stirred something within him, provoking his temper. He knew this was the cross that he had to bear, but it was still difficult to face. The dynamic with her had been, well, fun. Simultaneously maddening and exciting. He had enjoyed their back and forth and being challenged by her. It had felt like a glimpse into normality, a preview of what life could be. A man's motorcycle breaks down and he banters with the woman who fixes it. Maybe he asks her out for a drink. Normal. Nice.

But her face today. She had looked like a deer in headlights, eyes large and pleading, seeking mercy. She was afraid of him. Like so many others before her. He felt shame that he'd caused that reaction.

Maybe it would always be this way.

There had been a glimpse of her again at the end, when she stood up to him for Freddie. Her fear had evaporated and she was as bold as ever, putting him in his place. In that moment the heat had sizzled between them, he had felt desperate to reach out and touch her, to pull him towards her, to feel her mouth on his...

But she probably hated him now. She had hated him already, but now he had thrown his weight around and scared her protégé. Full mama bear mode. He had felt something between them, but maybe he had horribly misread it all. Maybe he just infuriated her because she genuinely couldn't stand him, nothing more. Trying to test the waters could've gone very wrong, and he didn't particularly want that kid Freddie as an audience either way.

At least the bike was back. He left it in the parking garage space he rented and decided to keep himself busy rather than go back to his apartment. Anything to not think about Frankie and how things had ended.

He grabbed something to eat down the street and later went for a walk. He stopped in the park and played checkers with some of the old boys for a few hours, shooting the shit and listening to their moans about getting old. Although they were practically spritely young'uns in his eyes.

He called Sam and checked in with him, making plans to come visit Louisiana in a few weeks' time to see the family. He felt cheered by the call, despite Sam's usual teasing. He told him about Frankie, Sam had made a big fuss about it of course and told him to call her and make things right. Something about a woman causing an emotion in cyborg to be a big deal and not to be ignored. Bucky tuned him out.

Then he tried the dating apps again. Nope, still weird.

After finally doing some long overdue grocery shopping he sloped back to his apartment. It was evening now, the streets busy with people out enjoying their Saturday nights, buzzing with activity and excitement.

He wondered if he should call Frankie and apologise like Sam said. He had her number from this morning, and he should really do the right thing. Maybe she'd want to hear from him. Probably not. But maybe. She seemed to be someone who valued an apology – or at least liked to hear that she was right.

As he got to his apartment door he put the grocery bags down and reached for his key in his pocket...only to find his fingers moving straight through. A perfect hole had somehow formed in the fabric, and the key was gone. He cursed angrily, retracing his steps to see if it had fallen out somewhere in his building. No sign of it.

Nobody he knew had a spare. He could call a locksmith, but he didn't really want to spend his Saturday night sitting outside his door and waiting for the guy, only to pay a large sum for the privilege. He went to check with the building superintendent, but nosy Mrs. Henshaw from apartment three took great pleasure in telling him the super was away on vacation in Florida for a long weekend. His first trip in five years, actually. What were the chances?

Bucky sighed. Well, he had no plans for the night anyway. Why not a treasure hunt?

Lugging his grocery bags up on his arm with ease, he set off into the night.

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