I can read you like a book

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Bucky tried to enjoy his cold beer as he sat on the dock basking in the warm end of day sun in Delacroix – but Sam was making that difficult.

'So I knew you were stupid. But even for you...this is stupid' scolded Sam, taking a sip from his bottle.

'It's not stup-'

'Yes, it's stupid. Really stupid. Did all that metal finally migrate into your brain?' asked Sam quizzically.

Bucky had immediately regretted telling Sam about his break-up.

Sam had met Frankie briefly when he last visited New York. The two had instantly hit it off, teaming up to make jokes and teasing Bucky, much to his chagrin. Sam's mouth had fallen open in shock when Bucky had told him that they were over and he had been shaking his head with disapproval ever since.

Bucky sighed. 'Look...I-'.

'Only you could somehow...Miraculously! Convince a woman like Frankie to actually like your ass, then throw her away the minute you get spooked by commitment' Sam muttered, shaking his head again.

'It's not about commitment, it's about protect-'

'So what, you too young to settle down at 106? You need a few more years' experience under your belt first? Maybe try again at 150?'.

'Sam...' started Bucky, knowing he was going to get cut off again.

'Yeah yeah, it's about protecting her safety. Blah blah blah.'

'Yes exactly, blah blah blah'.

Sam held up his hands to his chest defensively. 'Whatever helps you rationalise it, man'.

Bucky sighed. 'I just didn't want her to get hurt'.

'Well it sounds like she did get hurt' said Sam.

Bucky shot him a look.

'I know. I get it. Romance ain't easy when you work in...uh...our field' Sam replied.

Bucky just rolled his eyes and stared back at him.

'But what? You're just going to never fall in love, ever? To protect whoever that girl might be? So you're going to die miserable and lonely, with a string of broken hearts in your wake?'

Bucky continued to stare back at him.

'Stare all you like, Terminator. You know I'm right about this' Sam said smugly.

They sat in silence finishing their beers listening to the water lap against the dock.

'It's just...you deserve to be happy, Buck' Sam added quietly.

'So they keep telling me' grunted Bucky.


Sarah called them for dinner and they all spent a pleasant evening catching up, shooting the shit, playing with the kids. Being Uncle Bucky again, a role he slipped into easily. He felt mostly content, but couldn't shake the feeling something was missing. He had expected everything to feel better when he came back here, and part of it did, but it wasn't quite right.

He couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning in the warm air, kicking off his blankets.

Eventually he admitted defeat and decided to go for a walk to see if that would help tire him out and turn off his brain. He ended up back at the dock to watch the water and collect his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about Frankie. He was so initially sure he'd done the right thing, but thoughts of her haunted him. Her tear stained face when he'd walked out. All the memories of them in happier times. Her loud laugh. Her brows furrowing when he'd made fun of her. Maybe he had been too hasty. He missed her intensely, and it hadn't got any easier even after all this time.

'You're thinking about her, aren't you?' from the dark came a voice from behind him. Sam suddenly appeared into view and pulled up a seat next to Bucky.

'What are you doing here, Sam?' asked Bucky with exasperation.

'I saw you were gone and guessed you had one of your night-time wanderings' replied Sam matter-of-factly.

'You know for Captain America you sure have a lot of free time on your hands'.

'I'm right though, huh?' asked Sam, jabbing his friend's arm impatiently.

Bucky exhaled, admitting defeat. 'Yeah. Yeah OK I'm thinking about her'.

'Ha! I knew it. I can read you like a book. A boring book, but a book'.

'I thought when I got here I'd feel better, like I just needed to get away from Brooklyn and I'd feel more at home here. But...' he sighed 'I miss her'.

Sam nodded. 'You gotta call her, man' he said softly.

Bucky winced. 'Easier to do when you didn't delete her number and texts to stop any temptation to call her...'

Sam sighed. 'See? Stupid.' He got to his feet. 'Let's get going. At least the traffic will be alright at this time of night'.

'Where we going?'

'Airport, dummy'.

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