What the hell was that?

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Frankie was busy working underneath an old Audi. She was taking much longer than she needed to because she didn't feel much like talking today and Dan was in one of his chatty moods (isn't he always?)

She'd bounced back from the Dexter debacle, swearing off men and booze for the considerable future. It had been a bit of a wake up call really, she shouldn't be wasting her time with guys she wasn't into and she definitely shouldn't be getting intensely drunk with them. She'd decided to work on herself for a bit, seeing friends and indulging in her hobbies rather than working all the time. What could possibly go wrong?

She seemed to have reached a better place with her mom, too. They agreed to have a phone call at least once a week, and meet in person at least once a month. They also agreed to talk more openly about Big Frankie, and the Blip, finally be there for each other. They both needed all the support they could get.

'Hey, Frank' she heard Freddie call out from next to the car. 'There's someone here who needs to talk to you'.

She groaned.

'Freddie – if it's Mr. Matthews back about his stupid BMW steering wheel again after I told him it would be done tomorrow, then tell him to shove it up his ass' she sneered angrily, not particularly keen on leaving her hiding place today.

'Top notch customer service as always' said another voice.

Frankie's entire body tensed in response. She suddenly felt queasy.


'Oh. It's you' she said softly.

'I'll leave you guys to it' said Freddie. She heard his footsteps recede and then it was just her and Bucky.

'I'm curious to see what Mr. Matthews would do with that instruction' Bucky pondered.

Frankie stayed silent, suddenly frozen on the spot.

'Do you want to come out from under there so I can talk to you?' he asked cautiously. She could see his shoes from her spot under the car.

Frankie swallowed. 'Uh...actually I'll just stay right here if that's all the same to you'.

She didn't think she would be able to keep the tears at bay if she saw his face. Staying hidden seemed like the preferred option.

Bucky sighed, leaning on the bonnet of the car.

They were both silent for a minute.

'So what did you-' she started.

'I'm building up to it' interrupted Bucky, a hint of frustration in his voice.

'Right' she replied, exhaling. She hadn't realised she had been holding her breath.

Eventually Bucky spoke again.

'Actually this is probably easier, not seeing your face' he cleared his throat. 'Frankie...I'

He absent-mindedly scratched the back of his head, trying to find the right words. He'd run through a potential speech a hundred times over when he flew back from Louisiana and had marched over to her apartment that night – but suddenly it had all disappeared from his memory.

Frankie stayed silent, still frozen under the car, her stomach knotted with anticipation and nerves.

'The truth is...I fucked up. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I thought I was protecting you...but you were right. It was your choice to make, not mine. I've missed you so much. You're all I think about. And I love you, Frankie. I do. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that day. But I do. I've always loved you. I don't know if it's too late for us but I had to tell you'.

He paused, looking at her boots sticking out from underneath the car. But she didn't say anything.

'Frankie?' he asked quietly.

She remained silent.

He bent down and carefully clutched the end of the creeper, slowly pulling it out from underneath the car and revealing her. Frankie appeared into view, expression unreadable. He smiled at seeing her face again. He'd really missed that face. Her wide eyes looked back at his, studying him carefully.

Frankie had nearly gasped at seeing him again. Just as handsome as he'd always been, maybe more so. She scanned his chiselled jaw, his chocolate brown hair, his perfect mouth and of course his piercing blue eyes which seemed to see into her soul. He looked at her anxiously, waiting for her response.

She shot up from the creeper and stood next to him, a finger pointed in his face.

'I don't know what the FUCK you thought you were doing, Buck' she sneered. 'I'm not a fragile porcelain doll who needs protecting. I decide what is safest and best for me, not anyone else' she jabbed his chest. 'How dare you abandon me like that? What is wrong with you?'

Bucky retreated slightly, this wasn't the reaction he had hoped for. But he knew he deserved it.

'You're right, totally right. I'm sorry, I-' he stammered.

'I know I'm right' she shot back furiously. 'What you did was messed up. You dumped me at work. At WORK. I told you I loved you and you walked out on me. You really hurt me'.

She wiped the beginnings of angry tears from the sides of her eyes using the back of her hand. He moved to hold her but she slapped his hands away. She was breathing heavily, chewing her lip as if trying to restrain herself.

'Nope' she spat, batting him away like a fly. 'Don't touch me, Old Man. I'm still mad'.

In frustration she took a small handful of screws from her overalls pocket and launched them at his face. He held his metal hand up effortlessly and each one bounced off the vibranium, hitting the floor with a little tink sound.

Both of them looked down at the fallen screws, and then back to each other. A hint of a small smile appeared on both of their mouths in unison.

His initial shock began to turn to familiar affection. He'd missed her so much. Even her berating him.

'What the hell was that?' he asked quizzically, pointing at the screws.

Frankie scoffed. 'I'm...not sure. It just felt right in the moment'. She relented and smirked at him. Annoyingly she could feel her anger subsiding despite wanting to give him a harder time of it. It was just so good to see him, and to hear him say what she'd longed for.

'You're insane, you know that right?' he asked earnestly.

She put her hands on her hips defiantly.

'You're absolutely right. About it all. I was a huge, stupid asshole and I've learnt my lesson' he continued. He was smiling but his tone was sincere.

She nodded sagely. 'Don't forget jerkoff'.

'Such a jerkoff'.

She shook her head and crossed her arms, trying to mask her smile.

'So am I forgiven or...'

'Obviously you're forgiven' she barked, glaring at him. 'But you have so much making up to do your head will spin. Firstly-'.

He cut her off, zipping across to her in the blink of an eye. He clutched her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. He pulled her into his arms, lifting her feet off the ground. She broke away from him suddenly, staring into his eyes and then smirking at him before meeting his lips again. She ran her fingers through his hair, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. The electricity of the kiss was intense, Frankie was glad he was holding her because she wasn't sure she'd be able to stand otherwise. It felt like coming home for both of them. Every unspoken thing between them expressed in their kiss and the way they held each other. Two puzzle pieces finally joined again, two stars igniting in the black darkness of the night sky.

'I love you, Frankie' he whispered into her ear.

'I love you too, Buck' she replied softly.

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