We've found each other again

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A/N: Final chapter!! I've really enjoyed writing this so thank-you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed it too. Maybe I'll bring Frankie and Bucky back again one day!

Sexual references/smut throughout (18+)


Frankie had decided to take the afternoon off after her impromptu reunion with Bucky. 

Dan and Freddie had exchanged a knowing look and grin and told her they could handle things at the shop. Both were pleased that she would hopefully be feeling like her old self again now Bucky was back.

'So much for swearing off men, huh Dan?' muttered Freddie playfully.

'Heard that' Frankie yelled, pointing at him warningly as Bucky practically tore her out of the door.

He was on her before she'd even stepped outside, briefly checking they were out of sight before backing her against the exterior walls of the shop and diving into her neck, his hands wasting no time in becoming reacquainted with her waist as he planted a breadcrumb trail of hungry kisses down to her shoulder.

Frankie gasped, allowing herself a moment to enjoy the sensation before pushing him off teasingly and setting off to the street again, only for him to do the same a few feet later.

'Buck...' she whispered as she closed her eyes.

'Mmm?' he responded in the midst of something that would surely leave a mark on Frankie's neck the following day.

'It's going to take us hours to get home if you keep this up' she protested weakly, positioning her arms ready to push him off again but half heartedly gripping his shoulders instead, suddenly unable to make herself break away from their clinch. 

'It takes as long as it takes' he mumbled, nibbling gently on the top of her ear.

Frankie's head suddenly found strength over her lust and she shoved him away, waggling a stern finger in front of him. 

'No no...the sooner we get home, the sooner we can do this uninterrupted' she cooed, biting her lip in anticipation.

Bucky looked her up and down, his cobalt eyes clouded with desire and hunger. He sighed with defeat.

'Fine. Keep up, then' he said begrudgingly. 

He set off striding down the street at speed. Frankie struggled to keep up with his pace despite his instruction, breaking into a half jog to stay alongside him but still dropping behind despite her best efforts. Bucky turned back to her and clutched her hand in his, forcefully pulling her along the short journey to her apartment.

'Hey speed racer, slow down!' Frankie snapped from behind him as her feet padded quickly over the concrete.

'It's a good cardio warm-up' muttered Bucky, still looking straight ahead. 

Frankie's stomach flipped at that, feeling the beginnings of moisture pooling between her legs. It had been a long time since they were last intimate with each other, she felt almost nervous thinking about what Bucky might have planned for her once they were safely behind closed doors and what state she'd be in afterwards. Her head span with emotions. She was still on a high after he said he loved her, and now she was desperate for his touch.

When they finally reached her apartment building, Frankie's key wasn't even in the door before Bucky was pressing against her back, his face nudging into her neck. She exhaled deeply as she felt the hard outline of his erection rest against the curve of her ass. She suddenly couldn't manoeuvre the key in the lock properly, as if the anticipation of what was about to happen had caused her brain to short circuit. She jimmied the keys uselessly back and forth until metal fingers clasped over her hand, turning the key successfully and releasing the lock. 

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