Swan Dive

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Minutes later Bucky was standing outside in the small parking lot behind Frankie's Garage.

'Francesca..' he started.


'Right. Frankie. I don't know if this is such a good idea'.

Frankie's head popped into view above him. She was standing on the roof of the garage, the night sky behind her serving as an artful backdrop.

'Are you scared you can't do it?' she teased, smirking with her hands on her hips. 'Because if you don't think you can...'.

'Obviously I can do it. You think this is a challenge? Really?' he shot back, incredulous. Seemingly unaware of her trick.

'OK good. Right, I'm torn between a swan dive kinda thing – or just start running and see how far I can get Wile E. Coyote style' she placed a pensive hand on her chin. 'What do you think, Old Man?' She limbered up, stretching her legs.

Bucky rolled his eyes. 'It makes zero difference to me' he sighed.

Frankie nodded. 'A surprise then. Right get ready – incoming'. She scuttled to the back of the roof, out of view.

Bucky sighed, pulling his jacket off and stretching out his metal arm. He wasn't quite sure how he got here, but it wasn't the worst Saturday night he'd ever had. 'Ready when you are' he called up to the roof, smiling in spite of himself.

He heard Frankie's footsteps and then she was in the air, her arms stretched out wide in front of her as her legs left the ledge, a look of shock on her face as gravity kicked in and she sailed down to the concrete below.

He was ready of course. He caught her perfectly in a single fluid motion, steadying her neck and legs with his arms, his body absorbing the shock of the impact. 

'You went for the swan dive, then?'

Her eyes glowed with excitement and she giggled ecstatically, the adrenaline soaring through her veins. She threw her arm around his neck and drew him close, her fingers were cold from the night air and prickled his skin. 'Thank-you! Thank-you! That was AMAZING!' she squealed, throwing her head back with laughter as he stood her upright again.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if this was all a child's game he was being forced to play. Secretly, he loved it. He loved having her in his arms, he loved how excited she was and how she looked at him. He had images in his head of pushing her against the wall of the garage, his hands exploring her, working their way up her legs and-

'One more time. Please. One more' she begged, hands clasped together in a small prayer.

'It's late...Frankie' he sighed. But he couldn't resist her smile. 'Fine...one more' he relented. He grasped her by the shoulders and jumped up to the roof again, placing her gently on the ledge before leaping back down. 'How about Wile E. Coyote this time?'

Five or six jumps later...she had lost track of how many exactly...Frankie walked back to her apartment with Bucky. He had insisted on walking her home at this time of night, of course. She felt high, the adrenaline still flowing through her paired with the giddiness of spending this time with James. She couldn't believe how tonight had turned around, from drinks with boring pervy Dexter to leaping off buildings with a super soldier.

She knew now that she was besotted with James. Infuriated, annoyed by him – yes. But also besotted, entranced. He was as unreadable as ever, though. Surely he wouldn't still be here if he wasn't interested? Right? She supposed the real test would come when they got to her front door.

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