Pancakes, of course

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A/N: Finally some action! Thanks for sticking with me. This chapter includes fluff and some gentle sexual references


Bucky awoke feeling more rested than he had in a long time. He took a moment to remember where he was.


He turned to her part of the bed, reaching out for her but finding her side empty. He thought she must've gotten up already...until he spotted a foot sticking out of the crumpled sheets. Peeling them back revealed a sleeping Frankie curled up at the end of the bed. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her.

Frankie stirred, coming face to face with Bucky. She sat up and got her bearings, stretching and wiping sleep from her eyes. 'What's funny?' she asked, her voice heavy with sleep.

'You' he replied. 'How did you even get down there?' pointing to the end of the bed.

Frankie smiled. 'This is why I need a big bed. I'm very...wriggly...' she laughed.

Bucky smirked 'Of course you are'.

Frankie opened the blinds. 'You sleep OK, Old Man?'.

He rolled his eyes. 'Surprisingly well, actually.'

'Glad to hear it. You seniors need your rest' she winked at him, which earned her a playful nudge on the shoulder from Bucky.

She shouted in protest. 'Hey! Careful there, one overzealous swat and I'm history'. He held his hands up in mock surrender.

'So, are we doing pancakes or are you more of a black coffee and cigarettes kinda breakfast guy?' she asked, stretching her back. Bucky stole a glance at her pushed out chest as she adjusted herself. 

'Pancakes, of course' he said incredulously. A bit surprised she was happy to keep him around a bit longer. He'd thought passing out in her bed and waking her up with his nightmares would mean she was keen to get rid of him.

'Pancakes it is' she chimed. They took turns washing up in the bathroom and Frankie started work in the kitchen, with Bucky designated to dishes duty. She made them a short stack each and fresh coffee from the cafetiere. They talked as they ate, then more as Bucky cleaned up. Once more the conversation flowed, they effortlessly moved around the small kitchen in harmony without bumping into each other or getting in each other's way. It was as if they'd been doing this for years.

Finally, Bucky stood up and put on his jacket. 'Well. I think I've finally outstayed my welcome'.

Frankie smiled meekly over her coffee cup, trying not to let the disappointment creep onto her face. She knew it would come to an end eventually, but was still sorry she'd finally got here.

'I have a thing today I better get to. And I finally need to put these away' he said, nodding at the grocery bags from yesterday and picking them up. 'Thank-you for having me' he said politely, those 1940s manners in full force.

Frankie stood up, not quite sure what to say. ' know where I am if you need me.'

He nodded, expression imperceptible. 'Goodbye, Frankie'. He smiled as he closed the door behind him.

Frankie sank back down in her chair, head spinning. What the hell was that? She felt like she'd had a first date and then jumped straight ahead to the cohabitation part. Making breakfast with him, exchanging life stories, the comfort of Sunday morning together...but at no point had he made a move. Normally men were pawing at her chest after the second round of drinks. Maybe he just liked hanging out with her and didn't find her attractive? Maybe he was just bored and she was there? She fiddled with the rim of her coffee cup, wondering what to do next.

Her thoughts were disrupted by a knock at the door. She checked the time, probably the delivery guy with that package she was expecting. She strolled over to open it, head still swimming with her confusion.

As she opened the door she was surprised to find James standing there. He wore an intense expression on his face.

'Oh! Hey again. Did you forget something?' she asked.

'I did' he replied gruffly.

Before she could respond, her took her by the shoulders and pushed her back into the apartment. He slammed the door behind him and flipped her round, her back up against the door. She gasped as he took her chin in his hand, taking a moment to tenderly stroke her cheek with his thumb before leaning in and kissing her. Her hands flew up and began running through his hair. She moaned very quietly into his mouth as his tongue found hers. They kissed deeply and intensely, their breathing quick and urgent. One of his hands went to her waist, pulling her against him. She felt the firmness of him pressing between her legs, suddenly realising how moist she must be for him. It felt like electricity between them. Her body almost went limp, she knew she was only still standing because of his firm gasp on her. He moved his lips towards her neck, nuzzling against her as he worked his way down to her collarbone, before finally pulling away and looking into her eyes. She stared back, lids heavy with lust, panting, grinding her hips against him. He put his forehead against hers, exhaling.

'I am sorry but I do actually need to go' he told her breathily. 'I just really had to finally do that'.

She sighed. 'Fuckin tease. Why didn't you do that twelve hours ago?' she asked softly, eyes closed now, forehead still pressed on his.

'Why didn't you?' he countered, his finger tenderly circling her cheek.

'Touché' she replied dreamily.

He smiled, taking his forehead from hers and reaching for the door 'I'll be in touch'.

She exhaled, watching him leave once more. Once he had gone for good this time (she checked out in the hall to be sure) she fell against the door, sliding down onto the floor as she let it all sink in. 'You've got it bad, Frank' she muttered aloud.

Despite the butterflies and excitement Frankie felt quite nervous too. She was quite guarded with her heart, having been stung before. It wasn't like her to feel strong attraction like that so quickly. Normally it was slow burn – building over time, friendships growing into something more. She couldn't lose her head here. It was just one kiss, after all. A kiss with a man dealing with a lot of his own baggage.

She decided to do what she always did when she felt overwhelmed – throw herself into other things. So she did. It was Sunday, she had no real plans but she kept herself busy. She cleaned the apartment top to bottom, sorted out some paperwork, did some grocery shopping. Distraction was key. She checked in with some girlfriends and called her mom – who didn't answer but sent a text saying she'd call her back in the week (Frankie knew she wouldn't but replied with a heart emoji anyway).

Whenever her thoughts would turn to James, she'd jump into the next thing. She scrubbed the oven. Then she thought of his mouth on her neck. She arranged a dinner date with a friend she hadn't seen in a while. She thought about his firm hands on her waist. She confirmed the work schedule for the weeks ahead and fired off a few emails. She thought of him smiling at her over the pancakes.

She opened an old photo album and revisited pictures of her third birthday, Big Frankie proudly beaming in the background of them all. She reached out to touch the image him, suddenly feeling a pang of loss.

Frankie peeked at her phone. Nothing from James. She knew he was busy today but wondered if he'd text her or something (does he even know how to text?). He did say he would be in touch, although he didn't say when.

She threw the phone onto her bed, closing the bedroom door as if that would help compartmentalise her brain and keep James off her mind. Nobody likes a phone watcher, Frankie.

She ran a bath and picked up her iPad to watch cute animal videos as the tub filled up. She found some bubble bath, lit a candle and settled in for the evening. Time to turn off that brain.

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