Is she working today?

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A week later and Bucky had made up his mind about the move to Louisiana. Seeing Frankie in the arms of some other guy had cinched it. There was nothing left for him in Brooklyn. He had tried to make a life here, but he was still in the exact same situation that he'd started in. Being near Sam and the Wilsons would mean he at least had people around him that he cared about. Maybe he could get a job on a boat? Maybe he'd meet a nice girl working on the dock. Sarah? Maybe...

He decided to treat himself to some lunch in-between making arrangements. He strolled to a nice café in his neighbourhood, taking a seat at the counter and texting Sam about moving plans as he ate.

'Hey...Bucky' someone said quietly to his left.

He turned to find Freddie standing next to him, looking back at him with trepidation.

'Freddie. Hey. I'm not looking for an argument OK? Just trying to have some lunch' he said firmly, turning back to his meal. He didn't need a lecture from the wide eyed white knight today.

'Yeah...sorry to bother you. I just saw you in here and wanted to come over and say...I know I was kinda a jerk to you. And I wanted to apologise – I'm sorry' he said awkwardly fiddling with the brim of his cap.

Bucky nodded, grateful for the apology. Frankie was right, he was a good kid.

'Thanks. I appreciate it. And I get it, you were trying to protect Frankie. I know how I must've seemed' he shrugged.

'Yeah, thanks' Freddie continued. 'I get it now that you cared about Frankie a lot. I'm sorry that you guys didn't work out. She told me what happened. I get it' he said sheepishly.

Bucky nodded. 'And how's she doing?' he asked, trying to sound casual.

Freddie hesitated. 'Uh...well. Not great, really'. He scratched his arm, not making eye contact.

Bucky furrowed his brows. 'What do you mean?'

'Oh man, she would kill me for telling you that' Freddie chuckled.

'What? Why? Surely she's pretty happy that new boyfriend of hers' asked Bucky, barely masking his jealousy.

Freddie's face clouded with confusion. 'Huh? She...hasn't got a boyfriend. She's practically sworn off men...'

Bucky's fork clattered down onto his plate.

'What do you mean?' asked Bucky, his casual tone slipping into something more frantic now. 'I saw her last week. I went by her house to talk to her. But she was kissing some guy outside'. He flinched at the memory of the other man's hands all over Frankie.

Freddie shook his head, looking bewildered. 'What? I don't know who...' he trailed off, looking pensive. 'Oh wait. She did have a date a week or so ago. She'd met him before I think. But she got super drunk. He helped her get back to her apartment and kissed her but then she sent his ass home' explained Freddie. 'She told me the date was awful and the guy was a huge creep. I remember her telling me now, she had a shitty hangover at work and said she was done with dating'.

Bucky's eyes widened. 'What??'

'Yeah...' said Freddie. 'She's been a mess since you left her, Bucky. hurt her real bad. She definitely isn't seeing anybody right now'.

Bucky's heart ached at the thought of Frankie being hurt, and he felt a twinge of rage at the man who tried to take advantage of her when she was drunk. His mind raced at a thousand miles an hour. He realised must've witnessed the exact moment that asshole kissed her and turned away before he saw Frankie give the guy his marching orders. Then he'd drawn his own conclusions.

'Oh, FUCK' replied Bucky as he realised there was still a chance for them. 'Are you serious?!'

Freddie nodded cautiously, taken aback by the strong reaction. 'Yeah...?'

' she working today?'

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