Part 7

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Yuu's POV

After visiting Shins grave I went home and slept for a really long time. When I woke up it was already noon, but I felt different, lighter.

Talking it out with big bro and made me feel better. When I caught sight of myself in the bathroom mirror I got mad. After everything thats happened I look the same as ever.

I throw on some clothes and bound down the stairs. Before I pull out of my driveway I check my phone. Mitsuya texted me: Toman meeting, same shrine, 9pm. I grin, great I've got plenty of time.

When I left the tattoo shop I felt good save for the leftover pain from the tattooed red ink snake that now decorated my neck. I had a bit of time before I needed to get ready for the meeting so I went and got ice cream like I used to when I was a kid. I got Shins favorite flavor, green tea.

After my ice cream was gone I ran some much needed errands before I decided to get ready so I rode back to my house. I had stored my uniform in the corner of my closet, along with the wrap for my chest. Mitsuya had hand-sewn my uniform apparently, I examined the stitches, it was a hell of a job. Hakkai had been waiting at the school gate when I got out to give it to me. I wondered if some of these Toman guys ever actually attended school.

I bound my chest with the wrap and started getting dressed, then I remembered something. I crouched down and peered below my bed, when I found what I was looking for, a small red shoe box, I pulled it out and opened it up.

I kept all my special things in here. Lots of pictures and a couple of small mementos. Not surprisingly they all revolved around the Sano's. I carefully lifted the item I had been looking for, big bro's chain. It was silver and not super bulky. I remember I used to admire it whenever he wore it around me.

He must have noticed because one day he made me sit down and close my eyes, then he fastened the clasp and let it fall around my neck. My eyes practically turned to stars when he said I could have it. I haven't worn it much lately, and that felt like a disservice to Shin so I fastened it at the nape of my neck, and tucked it into my uniform. The last thing I did was put my black fabric face mask on before I went downstairs to put my boots on and leave.

I had texted Mitsuya and Hakkai asking if we could show up at the meeting together. They both agreed we would meet at Mitsuya's place and ride together. Hakkai pulled into his driveway just a bit after me, within five minutes Mitsuya stepped out of his front door with two small girls peering out from behind him. I smiled, those must be his younger sisters. "I'll be back later Mom!!" He called out behind his shoulder. "Dinner's in the fridge, love you." He then said his goodbyes to his sisters before walking up to his bike. "Damn Yuu, you kinda do look like a boy, just a real pretty one. When did you get the tat?" 

"Today and thanks captain" he chuckles at that. "Oh by the way my dude voice sucks so I'll essentially be mute when we get there, somebody might pick a fight with me if they think I'm ignoring them." I shrug

"Just don't put anyone in the hospital, okay?"

"Yeah I think I can manage that, heh"

We ride in a pretty tight formation with Mitsuya up front until we arrive at the shrine, there's already a group of guys forming.

I knew that the guys Ro had introduced me to would still recognize me. I was just hoping they weren't dumb enough to let it slip to the whole gang. I also kind of worried that some members might recognize me from the fight on August 3rd but I put that worry to rest pretty quick.  I was dressed WAY different.

Smiley jogged up to our group with Angry in tow behind him. "Hey guys!! What's up Yuu? Cool tattoo! You kinda look like a dude."

"That's the whole point Smiley" Mitsuya interjects. "Oh that's pretty weird." He replies with a smile.

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