1 Nightly Routine

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Returning home from the office, she took her usual route. Walking, because she's too cheap to buy a car. As the young lady strolls through the empty side streets, the sun hangs low in the sky and passing cars are scarce. Barking from an animal shelter on the other side of the street grows louder as she begins to walk past it, a common occurrence. Sometimes she wonders if the workers give the animals megaphones or if there really are just that many strays in the building.

The passing thoughts were just that, passing, as she continued on her way home. Kicking open the door of her ground floor studio apartment, the exhausted young lady throws off her shoes and waddles past the living room to her bedroom. She slips out of her work clothes, including an incredibly confining pencil skirt, and throws on comfier clothes: an oversized hoodie and loose shorts.

After changing, she walks into her kitchen to warm up a frozen TV dinner. As she waits for the microwave, she pulls out her phone to play a random, menial game. Glancing up, she suddenly lunges towards the handle, successfully stopping the microwave one second before the timer goes off.

"Ouch- O U C H!" Mindlessly grabbing at her freshly warmed meal, she singes her fingers. In embarrassed rage, she ferociously shakes her hands and kicks up her feet, screaming through her teeth. Then, pretending nothing just happened, she quickly straightens her back and reaches for paper towels. Using them as oven mitts, she grabs her food and plops down on her couch, crossing her legs over each other. She sets a pillow into the gap made by her legs and moves her steaming food onto the pillow, picking up the remote control to rewatch her favorite show while eating.

In the midst of enjoying a relaxing evening, her phone buzzes. As her screen lights up, a text appears from her only close friend: "kit kat! i have some exciting news to share!"

The young lady frowns and reaches for her phone to text back: "I told you not to call me that." 

Another message comes immediately: "hehe sorry, i'm just so excited :) can u talk rn?"

"Not tonight, too tired. We can talk tomorrow?"

"sounds good :) g'night kit!" She stares at her phone, debating whether she should scold her friend about the nickname or not, but decides to leave it be, knowing the attempt would be futile.

When she finishes eating, she promptly cleans her face and passes out on her bed, concluding an average day for the average office worker, Kit.


As promised, here it is! This is a short, starter chapter and they'll get longer after this one :)

Next chapter on Friday, March 15th, 2022

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