Ch. 0.2 (Old)

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My Sunshine


Walking in, I get greeted by a long hallway with doors along the walls and a set of big glass doors at the back. Next to each door is a plaque with the names of animals such as 'Bunnies', 'Small Rodents', and for one large room, 'Cats.'

The farther I walk in, the louder the noise gets. I'm assuming that back door is where they keep the dogs. I walk out the back, still having yet to see a person to talk to, and notice the doors led to an outside shaded area. A group of 2-3 dogs were put in each space— concrete all around with a fence in front— tightly pack to the brim with strays.

I wander around and by this point my ears have gone numb but I can still see how energetic every animal is. I get to a cage that has three dogs, two of them are excitedly barking and jumping at me while the third is sitting in a corner, clearly uncomfortable.

It's a small, fluffy dog. Nothing too special about him other than his big sad, pleading eyes. He eyes me with his head resting on the floor, as soon as he catches me staring he lifts up his head and looks straight at me.

It's hurts me so much to see a dog this sad and uncomfortable.

I walk back into the building, reluctantly leaving the dog there, to try and find someone to talk to. Walking down the hallway I see a glass window from the waist up and a room on the other side, there's a little ledge where the glass connects with the rest of the wall and a small open window bordering it. How did I miss that.

I walk up to the window and get greeted by someone wearing a face mask and hat. Not creepy at all.

"Hi, may I interact with one of the dogs privately?" I politely ask the worker because I am  s u c h  a polite person.

"Gladly, do you know which dog?"

I stand there confused for a second, were there names? I didn't see any information. "The small, long haired dog with light caramel hair and big black eyes." I try to describe the dog, clearly failing horribly.

The worker stands there for a moment looking at me. Then speaks , "Could you show me?"

"Sure." We walk to the cage and I point out the dog, still in his same, sad position.

"Oh, you meant #462." He casually says, as though it's ok to not actually give an animal a name. Not to mention how disturbingly high that number is.

"Yes, I suppose so." I trail off looking at #462, he raised his head again and then a door, that I didn't even see, opened behind him. He immediately gets up to move away, making room for the other two dogs to jump on the worker that I hadn't even notice left.

He swiftly moves around the dogs and picks up #462, who struggled within his grasp. The door closes and soon after the worker appears next to me and asks me to follow him.

We end up in one of the rooms lining the main hall. It's a bland concrete room with one chair, and currently, a little dog named #462. I walk in towards him. He flinched at me but soon relaxes. I kneel down in front of him and reach out my hand. He eagerly sniffs the new scent and looks up at me.

We have a little staring contest before he closes his eyes. He yelps at me and pushes his head into my hand, I'm assuming he wants me to pet him.

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now