Ch. 0.1 (Old)

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A little bit of change


It's Friday; the finest day of the week. I start my morning routine that consists of waking up at 5:30, washing my face, changing my clothes and leaving for work at precisely 5:50.

I don't like getting to work so early— but I must. I've recently gotten a promotion at my little office job and am now in charge of a company project. I need to show how responsible I am.

Walking to work is nice though. It could get very chilly in the morning but it's usually quite refreshing. Clicking my heels on the sidewalk, I slowly stroll down the early morning road. Empty, quiet, dark— peaceful.

Every day I pass by the same buildings, the same homes, the same shelter. Always walking on the other side of the street because, regardless of the time, you can hear the animals barking, meowing, and making other animal noises from within.

It's not that I hate animals, I just don't like it when they ruin my peaceful mornings.

There's chatter among the employees and it seems to be coming closer and closer to my office.

"Good morning Y/N." I get greeted by my coworker. Yugyeom and I started working at this company at around the same time. We have different skill sets which kept us as friends when I got promoted. He's working with me on my project and I'm just glad someone I know well enough is on my team.

"Morning." I greet him, monotone, not looking up from my papers. He stays quiet but doesn't leave, I can see from the corner of my eye that he's still standing in my doorway. He would usually greet me and leave but I guess he has something to say. I look up at him to see his bottom lip pushed out in a cute little pout and his eyes on me.

"Yes, Yugyeom?" I prop my head up with my hands and flutter my eyelashes at him.

"It's nothing," fake sniff  "just that I noticed you never look at me when I come greet you," he whines "I say 'Hi' everyday but you only actually looked up at me a few times. Am I a bother?"

"There is no way." I stand up from my desk. "I love our little morning greetings Yugyeomie." I slowly walk over to him. "Is there something you would like me to do?"

"" He whispers, he is right in front of me and yet I can barely hear him.

"Can you repeat that?"

"It would be nice if you smiled. You used to be all smiles before you got promoted and stuck with this project." His pout made it's way back to his beautiful face, "What happened to the cute Y/N that I started working here with?"

I reach behind him, close the door and pull him into a hug. "Awww, is my little Brownie worried about his Noona?" Rubbing circles on his back be squeezes me tight.

"I just want to make sure your ok." He says softly into my ear making me shiver. Letting go, he turns around and puts his hand on the handle ready to leave but turns around with no trace of the previous sadness on him. "Let's meet up for lunch, I have some amazing news to share with you!"

Giggling I quickly pass him a "Sure." before he runs off. 'Spending lunch together?' Don't we do that everyday? Why would he need to ask?

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now