Ch. 0.4 (Old)

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White as snow, fluffy as it too.


I slowly gain consciousness and glance down at the floor to make sure it's safe to step.  Getting to my feet, I raise my arms over my head in a long and satisfying stretch, hearing my joints pop.

Relaxing once again, I call out to my one and only little dog.

"Hobi!" Immediately, I hear little steps quickly coming my way. A small ball of fluff jumps on my bed and I completely cover him in kisses.

The weeks passed quickly and we've made major progress on the project, it's almost complete. It's Saturday now and the the start of my second week with Hobi.

The team and I planned on meeting up Sunday to revise and finish off the project. Yes, I know it's bad to wait last minute, but we've been working very hard this past week.

I turn back to my favorite dog in the world and ask him.

"How about we go to the park today?" He starts barking and hoping around me. "Sounds like you like that idea."

I put on a hoodie and jeans. Picking up my keys and Hobi when my phone suddenly rings. I pick it up, seeing as the caller is Yugyeom.


"Y/N! I need help with the project now!" A very exasperated Yugyeom quickly answers back.

"What do you mean? Are you at the office right now? Weren't we going to meet tomorrow?" I set down my keys and walk away from the front door.

"Yess. I'm really sorry but I wanted to surprise you by finishing the project today, but I may have accidentally deleted all of my work." He says, starting out soft and turning to a whisper near the end.

"Yugyeoooom." I groan out and put down Hobi. "What'd you even doo."

"Can you just get to the office please? I really need help."

"Okaaay. I'll see you soon Yeomie." I hang up and look down at a curious and confused little Hobi.

"Sorry little man, I'll take you out to the park later." I pet his head and head to my room to change into something more work appropriate.

Dashing to my door from previously being at work and currently in high heals I unlock it as quick as I could. Quickly being trampled by an adorable ball of fluff. I kick off my heels and then proceeded to apologize to said fluff ball.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Hobi. Yeomie really messed up and I had to stay for a while." I closed my door and look out the window, the sun hanging low in the sky.

"You still up for that walk?" I look down and point finger guns at him with an awkward smile on my face.


"I'll take that as a yes." Good to know Hobi doesn't mind my weirdness. I get changed into what I had on in the morning and grab my keys. Successfully exiting the house with my little dog in my arms.

We've walked around the park a couple times now. Strange how Hobi would shy away to me every time we passed by the same place though.

After about the fourth rotation, I decide to check out what's spooking him.

Examining around the tree, up the tree, behind the trash bin, and finally, in the bushes. I find a small quivering figure. Crouching down I go to see what lurks and feel a tug on my hoodie. Hobi is attempting to get me away from whatever I just found.

Brushing him off I turn towards the bush and carefully pick up whatever hides within.

A small, brown, teacup poodle. Adorable. She seems scared, and hungry. So small I could pick her up with one hand. And by how loose the curls are, she much be pretty young too.

Just staring at me, the poodle doesn't bark or anything. On the other hand, there is a whiny Hobi right next to me.

I stand up straight, carefully positioning the poodle in one arm, and picking up Hobi in the other. With two dogs in my arms I head back home, Hobi constantly whining.

Home, the most amazing place on earth. That is if you have one. And i'm going to go out on a limb here, and say this poodle does not. So how about I share mine? I set them both down and turn to one.

"What do you think of that Hobi?" I question him as if he could read my thoughts, when clearly, he couldn't. Tilting his head to the side he stared at me confused for a moment or two before bringing his attention back to our little guest.

Tiny low growls could be heard from her while Hobi cowards behind me whining. Turning to little one I let out a sigh knowing what I'm about to do will not turn out well.

"Alright little one, lets get you cleaned up with a bath."

I was right.

It was a disaster. Bubbles flying every where, water splashed on every surface. Not to mention as soon as I set little one in the water she jumped out and ran out the bathroom door starting a chase between us as I tried to catch his sudsy, little body.

After eventually getting her all clean and dry, he is now currently curled up on Hobi's bed.

I can not believe that adorable little brown puppy is actually a white poodle male. Did not expect that. But I guess you can't assume stuff like that, especially with dogs.

Returning to the thought of letting him stay, I turn and ask my current roommate. "Hobi, what do you think of letting our little friend here stay with us? You won't be lonely anymore when I go to work and I don't think he has a home at the moment."

Small whines of protest can be heard from Hobi and little one's head shot up at your comments. I'm still not really sure if he even likes me or Hobi so I'll need to ask him too, but it was only right to ask Hobi first.

"Aww.. do you not like little one, Hobi?" I ask him a small pout making its way to my face as I stick out my bottom lip and tilt my head to the side.

More whimpers.

"Well.. if you really don't like him I suppose I can't force you to live with him." I turn to little one, "Sorry, looks like you're going to the animal shelter tomorrow."

*B A R K*

I turn my head around.

*BaRK  BA R K*

They're.. communicating? One dog to another, barking at each other in a heated argument. But finally, they settle down.

Hobi turns to me and he.. nods(?) his head. Can they do that?

Little one comes up to me and rubs on my leg like a cat while stepping back to attempt to jump up on me.

Failing. Obviously.

Glancing back at Hobi he seems to be chill with the whole situation now, not trying to keep me from our new friend.

"Looks like I'm keeping you then!"

Sorry for being so late, just haven't had much motivation to write this..
I wanted to add a gif at the beginning but I don't have my computer with me :(

Thank you for so much support and love though!
I can't believe i've gotten over 500 reads.

I'll try to work faster just for you ❤️❤️

Please vote and I always look forward to your comments :)

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now