5 New Roommate

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The week passed painfully as Kit and her team worked extended hours to make as much progress as possible on the project. As Saturday rears its head, Kit is too tired to get up on time to take Hobi out to the park.

"Ruff!" In his usual attempt to awaken Kit, Hobi pulls at her sheets, but she has learned his tactics and holds on tight. Waking up just enough to be conscious of her surroundings, she pulls Hobi into bed with her and slaps her alarm off. Cuddling into her warm covers, she gently holds Hobi and falls asleeps for a few more hours.

Kit is awoken at 11, five hours later than usual, by a ringing coming from her phone. A small fluffy head shoots up next to hers, blocking her view of the room. The ringing halts, allowing for a few moments of peaceful silence before it begins again. Pulling herself into a sitting position, Kit reaches out and grabs her phone to see who disturbed her. Jungkook's name is written out on her screen as she sighs and answers the phone.

"What's up Kookie?" She opens with an affectionate nickname and a yawn, earning silence on the other end of the call. "Kook? You there?"

"I am so, so sorry Kit." Jungkook finally responds, sounding very hesitant. "Even more sorry because it sounds like I woke you up."

"What happened? Are you ok?" Beginning to feel worried, Kit stands from her bed.

"Well, you see... I really wanted to surprise you by finishing the project early so you could relax and won't feel as stressed about it on Monday, but it may have backfired. Haha." He awkwardly feigns a laugh at the end.

Kit tenses up at his final comment. "Backfired... how?" Hobi notices her change in mood and jumps off the bed to circle around her feet. She bends down and picks him up, holding him close to her chest with one arm.

"I may have just possibly, accidentally deleted all of my department's work from the project's document." Tumbling over his words, he quickly spits out the truth. "Funny, right?"

"Jeon Jungkook!" Completely taken aback, she reverses her steps until her legs hit the bed and she slowly lowers herself to sit on it. "What exactly did you even do?"

"Can you just come to the office for a bit? I really— really need your help." His pleading voice is easily able to sway Kit.

Sighing, she pets Hobi's head in an attempt to relieve some stress. "I'll be there in an hour. Take a breather and don't touch anything until I arrive." Kissing the top of Hobi's head, she dresses herself and readies to head out; preparing food for him and switching on the TV. 

As Kit approaches the front door, Hobi follows after her with his tail wagging excitedly behind him. "Sorry buddy, no walk this morning, but I'll be sure to take you out when I get back." She bends down to pat the top of his head. "Be good for me until then."

Kit makes it to the office in 15 minutes, speeding through the lobby and into an elevator. Her heels click as she turns a corner into Jungkook's department, his previously slouched figure stiffens. Pulling himself out of his chair he extends his arms wide. "Kit Kat! I'm so glad you're here." The attempt to calm the obvious furry in Kit's eyes fails miserably as she pushes him back into his chair and takes the desk next to him.

"Have you eaten?" She asks him, barely glancing to meet his eyes as she begins tapping at the keyboard. Jungkook quickly nods his head as a yes. "Then you're not moving until we're done."

Dashing to her door from previously being at work, she unlocks it as quickly as possible, immediately being trampled by a fluff ball. A small wet tongue laps at her exhausted face, reviving her.

"Hobi, you would not believe the day I just had." She looks at her oven clock, displaying the time as 5:00; the window in her kitchen showing the sun hanging low in the sky. "Let's go for that walk before it gets too dark." Kit quickly changes into more comfortable clothes, keeping warm for the chilly night. She scoops Hobi into her arms and ventures outside her home, in a journey without a destination.

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