7 New Connections

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"Woah! I'm so sorry about that. I've never seen him act this way, not even with Yoongi." Kit exclaims loudly, tapering off near the end of her statement. She reaches into the cart's basket and scoops him up. Hobi calms down in her arms as Namjoon quickly recovers from the initial antagonistic attitude of the small dog.

"Don't worry about it, It's my fault. I startled him." He reaches his hand out again, lower this time for Hobi to hesitantly sniff at. "And I'm not sure how to tell you this but those..." He quickly rotates his hand to ruffle Hobi's head before pointing a thumb into Kit's cart at the cat harness and litter box. "...are for felines." He lets out an airy laugh, lightening the mood and changing the subject from Hobi's aggression.

"Oh, yeah, I know! Haha. I actually decided to take in a cat too and am stocking up on supplies for both of my furry pets." She sets Hobi back into the baby basket and pulls out two bags of cat treats. "Though I'm not sure if Yoongi is a fish cat or a chicken cat."

"Pfft. Hahahahaha." Deep laughs fill Kit's ears as Namjoon raises a fist to cover his smiling mouth; Kit stares at him in visible confusion. "Sorry, It's just the way you said that, 'fish cat or chicken cat'. I've never thought of it like that, but I suppose even felines can have their preferences."

"Yeah, doesn't every living being? I mean, even pigs have things they'd rather not eat."

"You are... very right... So how about this:" He pauses to take the treats from her, putting them back on the shelf in exchange for a different, more luxurious brand. "You could buy both of them, let Yoongi pick his favorite, and bring the one he doesn't like back for a full refund." He sets the two different bags into Kit's right hand and clasps his own around hers, making eye contact with a smile. "I'll give the rejects to the shelter cats, I'm sure they'll appreciate it, be it chicken or fish."

Slightly stunned at the sudden intimacy, Kit is as frozen as a statue. All her senses focused on her hand enveloped by Namjoon's own large, warm hand. Her eyes lock onto Namjoon's as he flashes a warm smile, his eyes gleaming blue for a split second. The strange color momentarily pulls her attention away from his hands as her mind focuses on the abnormality. Maybe it was the light?

"BARK!! BARK BARK!" Hobi snaps the two out of their unconstrained intimate moment and Kit regains herself.

"Sure, that... uh... that sounds great." She finally responds, ending with a slightly awkward upward turn of her lips. Her free hand subconsciously reaches for Hobi's head to pat, calming both him and herself.

"Perfect! Then if you're done, I can ring you up at the register." Namjoon squeezes her hand once before releasing it. They walk to the cash register in silence as he begins to scan her items. One by one, he scans items as the price steadily raises but he suddenly stops, collars in hand. "You might want to get tags for these too. Collars are good but tags with your information would be better, in case the animals ever get out."

Kit's hand lightly smacks against her forehead, causing a sound. "That's what I forgot! Tags!" She pauses, slightly hesitant to ask. "Does this store make custom tags?" Looking up, she sees his eyes widen and brows raise ever so slightly, the corner of his lip twitching upward.

"Yes! We do personalized ID tags. I'll get a few forms for you to fill out and you can bring them in when you come back with the treats." He walks off but quickly returns with two forms. The information it asks for is simple, just the pet's name and owner's address. A question crosses Kit's mind as she studys the paper: If the form is this simple, why did he suggest I come back later to give him the completed form? I could just fill this out now. Kit begins to open her mouth to probe when she notices all of her items have been scanned and are sitting in her cart in bags of varying sizes.

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now