Ch 0.5 (Old)

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My Savior

(edit: I just did some retouching)

And then it happened.

A turn of events I would not have expected.

The little, white teacup poodle that has shown no emotion other than fear and anger, is now happily jumping and barking around me.

"Who are you and what have you done with the edgy cat-dog that I picked up from the park??" I question loudly, pointing an accusatory finger at the ball of white fluff. Little one stops immediately and just stares.

He comes over and sits right in front of me making sure I'm looking at him then proceeds to.. pout? Can dogs pout? Well, if other dogs can't, this one definitely can. Quite effectively too.

I sigh dejectedly and pick up the little poodle, "Sorry I called you edgy.. and a cat. You just kind of surprised me and I didn't expect your personality to change so quickly- and I'm talking to a dog. Good job Y/N! You are now. Officially. The crazy cat lady!" I look at the small animal in my hands, "Still not a cat!"

"And I'm still doing it." I look down at both of the little dogs in my room and they're looking at me with a understanding expression clear on their faces. "What? You're not going to deny it? You're just agreeing with the fact that the person who is in control of your food supply is crazy?"

Setting little poodle down, I slowly trudge over to my room as my body finally calms down a bit and realizes how exhausted it is.

Getting up early and spending all day in the office, taking Hobi to the park late, and coming home with another pup to clean and take care of, it has been an exhausting day.

"Ahh my bed, how i've missed you." I mumble into my pillow as I've thrown myself across my mattress.

I let out a breath I didn't know was being held and sight out, "Ughhh I need to wash my facee."

Reluctantly getting up again, I waddle over to the bathroom with little one following close behind. He hops up on the counter."

"Sorry buddy but you've gotta move, you're in the splash zone." I softly push him to the edge and he hops down, turns around, and looks up at me while I get out my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.

Toothbrush hanging in my mouth, I stop brushing to bring up a important fact, "Oh right, you don't have a name yet."

I finish brushing then spit into the sink and turn to him, wiping my mouth with a towel.

"How about I give you one." Proceeding to do my nightly face routine I start thinking of a name.

"Definitely something short. Or something that could be shortened? Hmm." I glance down at the little poodle staring up at me.

"How about something like Jim. Jimin?.. Jiminnie? Maybe Minnie for short?" I smile down at the poodle who is now happily bouncing and yelping around me, "Sounds like you like it."

A happy yelp comes out of the poodle and I smile down at him. Finishing up in the restroom, I head back to bed and dive under the blankets.

"Goodnight Hobi," *bark!* I giggle, "goodnight Minnie." *yelp!*

I sigh contently knowing i'm in the company of two friendly dogs and fall into a deep and much needed sleep.

The next morning, I had no idea what to expect. It being the first morning with little Minnie, I was prepared to be woken up early in the morning like how Hobi had the first day.

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now