2 A Little Bit of Change

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Friday, the finest day of the week. Kit accomplishes her morning routine which consists of waking up at 5:30, washing her face, changing clothes, and leaving for work at precisely 5:55; not forgetting to grab a banana on her way out so she could tell herself she had breakfast.

Kit doesn't enjoy starting her work days so early, but it is a must. Recently, she received a promotion at her small office job, putting her in charge of a company wide project. Though it is unconfirmed, she believes her promotion is partly due to her coming off as responsible and dependable to her superiors, encouraging her to continue the same behavior.

It's a privilege to have such a short commute to work, allowing her to arrive around 6:15. Her heels click on the sidewalk as she leisurely strolls down the early morning road, the cold hair nipping gently at her skin. Empty, quiet, dark— peaceful.

Everyday she passes by the same buildings, homes, and the same animal shelter. She always walks on the sidewalk opposite the shelter because of the insistent animal noises made from within, regardless of the time.

Kit does not dislike animals, she simply dislikes when they disturb her peaceful mornings.

There is chatter among the employees and it seems to be getting louder the closer Kit gets to her desk. The center of all the blather sits in her desk chair and is strumming up non-work related conversations with fellow coworkers.

The head of the person raises to meet Kit's eyes with a smile. "Good morning Miss." She is greeted by her coworker who stands from her chair.

"Morning, Mr. Jeon." Jeon Jungkook, though they differ in age, his gregarious, friendly attitude and years of working together allowed them to develop a close friendship extending outside of their workplace. "I see you're just as lively as ever." Kit responds without meeting his eyes as she sits to examine the paperwork on her desk. In her peripheral vision, she is able to see Jungkook's shoes still standing near her, unmoving.

Kit's eyes look up to meet his, ready to question why he isn't getting to work, when she notices his expression. Jungkook's usual mischievous smile had fallen as his bottom lip sticks out in a pout. His head hung low and shoulders sagged as he fiddled with decorative rings on his fingers. She was instantly able to notice something was wrong.

"Come with me." Kit softly commands, subtly tapping his arm and walking away. Jungkook follows after her as they walk into an empty stairway, the door loudly slamming shut behind them, leaving them in a silent vacuum. "Talk to me Kook, are you ok?"

He releases a sigh and takes a step towards her as his arms raise to gently hold her's, hands resting under her elbows. "What about you? You must be incredibly stressed lately with the project you got assigned a few weeks ago and all that has happened with it." He pauses to study her face, taking a slow breath. "I haven't seen your smile in ages."

"Aww Kookie." Kit rubs the sides of his arms in an up and down motion in an attempt to sooth him. "I'm sorry I made you worry about me like that, here:" She pulls back from him and presents a genuine smile, squeezing his shoulders. "Please know that being friends with such a considerate and loveable coworker is enough to make me smile everyday. I'll be sure to relax more often, for you."

Jungkook smiles back at her but counters her last comment. "Don't do it for me, do it for yourself." Kit exhales a giggle as Jungkook's mouth turns into an "O" shape. "Oh! Today during lunch, make sure you get to the café on time. I have some big news to share and it's going to take up every minute we have available."

"I'll be sure to check the time regularly then." They share a light hug before walking out of the stairwell and to their desks to work. Kit sits in her desk chair and rolls her shoulders back, stretching to prepare for her busy morning.

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