Ch. 0.3 (Old)

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Oops, sorry Hobi


I was right. The weekend passed by quickly and it's already Monday. I wake up before Hobi and quickly get ready, leaving some food out for him.

When I get to the door I hear shuffling behind me and see an excited puppy jumping around thinking we're going to the park early.

I keep my eyes on him as I crouch down and kiss his forehead. "We can't go to the park today Hobi. Sorry, but I have work."

Almost as though he understood me, his tail stopped wagging and he just stared at me.

Aww noo, those literal puppy dog eyes.

Kissing him once more, I get up and leave out the door, trying hard to run back to him.

When I get to work I rush to my computer to send out an email to everyone in my project group. I simply inform them of the changed deadline and a meeting to be held later this afternoon.

"Hi again Y/N~"

I look up to be met with a smiling Yugyeom excitedly waving at me. A smile breaks out on my face and my eyes wander to his hand. He has a bandage wrapped around his palm.

"Good morning Yugyeom, is your hand okay?" I ask him while pointing to his clearly injured hand.

He brings his hand down— his smile slightly falling and being replaced by an awkward grin— and grips his wrist with his good hand. "Yeah— BamBam was a bit too playful yesterday and long-story-short he bit me. It wasn't on purpose though, he would never hurt me on purpose. I'm sure of it." He starts trailing off towards the end and his voice slowly becomes quieter.

I let out a gentle hum and he leaves me to my work.

When lunch time finally comes around, I head to the lobby where I meet Yuyeom patiently waiting for me. As he sees me he rushes out a side door and comes back quickly, my coat in hand.

I look at him, another smile spreading across my face. "Ready to go?"

His eyes crinkle at the end as a smile of his own graces his beautiful face, "Yes."

When we get to our usual café, we order and sit at a small table.

"I need to tell you something. Something really important." I talk to him with a desperate tone in my voice.

His smile drops and he looks at me seriously, "What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath before explaining the last 24 hours of my life to him.

"I've got some exciting news and some not so good news. I'm not gonna even ask which you want to hear first, because I'm telling you both anyway. Some not-so-good news is that the project due date, got pushed forward. Quite a bit."

"How much?"

"Jinyoung wants us to have it completely finished by next Monday. He came in my office yesterday, after lunch and told me. Its bad because, well, we are already so far behind; but at least we would finish up earlier, meaning no more stressful inexperienced employees asking us questions for much longer."

He smiles at the table and looks up to me, "The exciting news?"

"Well, you know how we were talking about pets yesterday? I kinda jumped on the idea of having a little color in my life, and got a little dog too—"

Excitedly gasping he waves his hands about squealing at me, "yOu gOT a DoG?! OMO OMO OMO! Do you have a picture of him— or her?"

I just giggle at him and take out my phone, sliding through my pictures until I find a nice-ish picture. I got to one of him on the porch looking up at me with his big bold eyes, smiling.

Covered in fur // Hybrid! BTSxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now