4 Sorry!

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Sunday's morning is a repeat of the day before but problems begin to arise on Monday. Kit gets up an hour earlier and quickly prepares herself for the day, leaving food out for Hobi. Reaching the door, she is alerted by light footsteps quickly tapping towards her.

She turns around as Hobi reaches her feet, jumping around and ready to go. A solemn expression crosses her face and she bends down to kiss the top of Hobi's head.

"Sorry buddy, no park today, I have to go to work." Kit glances up to where she had left out some eggs and notices the plate completely empty. "I'll come back at lunch time to give you some food though."

As though he understood her, Hobi's tail and exciting panting halts. He tilts his head to the side, opening his eyes wide. Kissing the top of his head once more, Kit stands and closes the door behind her, trying hard not to run back to him.

Arriving at work, Kit makes a beeline for her desk to quickly send out an email alerting her other team members of the altered deadline for their project. She schedules a meeting to be held before lunch to go more into depth. Creases form naturally between her brows as she begins the workday.

"Good morning Kit!" Alerted by the greeting, Kit looks up from her desktop to see a smiling Jungkook excitedly waving at her. His grin wavers as he pauses to aggressively rub his nose but immediately continues with incredible enthusiasm. A smile breaks out on her face as her eyes wander to his right hand where a bandage is wrapped around his palm.

"Hello Mr. Jeon. Is your hand ok?" She asks, pointing to his clearly injured hand. He lowers it and grips his wrist with his left hand as his smile falters.

"Yeah, it's nothing really, I was playing with Jimin yesterday and he accidentally bit me too hard. I only bled a little." He awkwardly chuckles. Kit lets out a gentle hum in response as he quietly leaves her to work. Hours pass and the meeting time comes along. Kit enters the designated conference room to see everyone else seated, awaiting her arrival.

"As you all are aware, our time for this project has been shortened. This means we must work harder and make fewer mistakes in the time leading up to the final date." When Kit sits, she opens the discussion, allowing the meeting to begin. In addition to a progress report, each person present had something to contribute, be it a possible alteration to their schedule or a declaration of dedication and promise to the project.

"If everyone understands what is being expected of them, then I have no doubt that this team will exceed our superiors' expectations. With that being said, our meeting is concluded. Relax and have a good lunch before getting back to work." The participants murmur amongst themselves as they file out of the room.

Kit stands and walks out to see Jungkook, who was also present in the meeting, waiting in the hall. "Some pep talk you gave, project leader." He says, a mocking smirk resting on his face. Kit lightly shoves at his shoulder as they stand around, waiting for the crown to dissipate.

"Oh come on, It's not like I could've walked in there and insulted everyone on the terrible job they've been doing so far. I need to be supportive in order to get good results." She shoots back, a tinge of sadness in her voice revealing her dissolving hope.

"Supportive is good, but so is constructive criticism." Jungkook knocks his elbow against hers as they begin walking to the elevators. "If you're too nice then they'll all think they're doing good and won't improve."

"I know how to do my job, Kook." An annoyed tone laces her comment. Seeming to have struck a nerve, Jungkook realizes this and remains silent during the ride down to the lobby. They grab their coats to go out when Kit halts in her tracks, eyes going wide.

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