A/N- What if i came back??

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Hey guys, so I know I said I wasn't going to continue this but I've recently been getting a lot of support on it.

I still don't really like the ship as much as I liked it when I wrote this but I really want to finish this story.

It is sort of spoiled in the last A/N but over time I've improved my writing skills a bit and I'd like to give you guys a few really cool chapters.

I don't want to get your hopes up too much because i am very busy and stressed right now with school but I thought I'd let you all know in case you want to look out for an update.

Thank you all so much for reading despite the story being discontinued. I love you all.

(Also)- how would you all feel about a polyamorous ending... this isn't confirmed but it is a thought and I want to know what you guys would think

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