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My dreams were filled with moans. Skin hitting against each other, fingers, and a white sticky substance. But most importantly, moans.

The sweet sound pleased my ears, the sound of pleasure, slight struggle, but mostly acceptance. The sounds that escaped my masters lips as I pleased him and myself were like music to my ears. Like little music notes that danced off of his tongue and made their way through mid air to fill my head.

The sounds were pretty much exactly how I imagined them. Which would make sense because it was my imagination.

My subconscious knew everything I wanted. It didn't care about what I needed or what was right. Just what I wanted. And I wanted many dreams, that one I had, was very vanilla to the ones I usually had. My dreams were darker than my thoughts.

Waking up to the sun of Coruscant after a dream like that wasn't the greatest feeling, but waking up after a good amount of sleep was wonderful.

I made sure the sheets of my new bed were clean before starting my day.

Not thinking of Obi-wan in the shower was hard. The thought of him in the shower instead of me was one hard thought, but there were also thoughts of if he were there with me.

After I had finished getting ready, I checked my com for any messages. It turned out I needed to meet with the council, they didn't say what it was about, but I knew they must be assigning me on a new mission already.

I had spent one night in my brand new bed, and I was already being sent off again. Knighthood was hard.

But I wasn't that mad about that. I was angry at the fact that I had spent about 5 minutes with Obi-wan, in real life, and now we would probably be split up again. I wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that those 5 minutes could fuel a lot of dreams while I was gone.

I didn't even know if Obi-wan would be here when I got back, he could get sent on his own mission, we might not see each other for months with the Clone Wars going on.

I knew I would be talking about this with Chancellor Palpatine later. The Chancellor was a good friend of mine, he always knew what was going on in my mind and he always made it better. I could talk to him about this, well that's if I even get to stay long enough to see him.


I walked into the council room, remembering what Obi-wan would always tell me before we saw the council. "Remember to keep your emotions in check Anakin, if someone does something to upset you, keep it to yourself and we can discuss it later." It was much easier doing that back then than it was now, now that I couldn't just nod along to what my master would say.

When I saw my former master standing in the middle of the room, my mind started to look at the positives for once.

I was so angry at the thought of not seeing Obi-wan for so long, that I had ruled out the possibility of us being assigned the missiontogether. I guess I assumed that they would need their generals more spread out.

"We have decided to assign you two to this mission." Mace Windu spoke. Completely emotionless. He was like that, impossible to read and he had less emotion than a Gonk droid. "Senator Amidala has received word that her home planet Naboo is in trouble and is in need of her assistance. As you know because of the Clone Wars it is not safe for the young Senator to be travelling alone, she trusts you both with her life, which is why we have selected you both. The details will be sent to you later, and you are to leave first thing in the morning."

I held back a groan at the fact that we had to leave early while Obi-wan responded. "Thank you masters."

This would be just like old times, Obi-wan would do all the negotiating stuff and council reports, and then I would get to help with all of the fun stuff.

I wasn't surprised that Padmé would have chosen us to escort her, we were friends, and just before the battle of Geonosis and the start of the Clone Wars, we were assigned to protect her.

I was a bit worried. The council had decided to send a 19 year old boy and a 24 year old beautiful senator to a remote location with nobody else around for miles for her protection. It's like they wanted to see me form an attachment. I had expected Padmé to be smarter than me, but she wasn't, for the most part.

After we had finished fooling around, after the battle of Geonosis, I had asked her if she wanted to start a secret relationship, she was the only person in a long time who had gotten my thoughts off of my Master, but she declined. And that was the end of it.

Nothing else happened between us since then, we hadn't talked or anything. To say I was nervous for this mission was an understatement.

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