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There was a dining room on the ship, what else would you expect from a Senator, but it felt empty, considering it was just me, Obi-wan, and Padmé.

This made dinner very awkward for me, just me though, the two adults in front of me had no problem striking up a conversation about politics while all I could think was, I've participated in some sort of sexual intercourse with both of the people here.

The way they talked, it just seemed like they had great chemistry. It made me mad, really mad, and jealous. Jedi were not supposed to feel jealousy, it was a path to the dark side, but I really didn't give a fuck at the moment.

The two people I liked the most, would probably make a great couple, and I did not like how that sat with me.

"Anakin?" I snapped out of my trance at the voice of Padmé calling me.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Anakin you've barely poked at your food, are you ok?" The two adults looked at me concerned. I just couldn't sit here, but if I kept having a vision of what the two would do if I left.

"Yeah, I'm just don't have much of an appetite at the moment." Is all I could say without yelling at the two for no reason.

"Are you feeling ok?" Padmé always had sort of a motherly tone to her voice, but especially now that she was concerned about me.

"It isn't everyday you don't have much of an appetite." They both looked concerned that I had caught some sort of sickness, it wasn't usual for me to not eat, which was probably why, but thinking of the two together made me feel sick.

"I guess I'm a little bit tired." And I was, but I still didn't want to leave. They just looked so perfect together, and I hated it, I didn't want to leave them together unsupervised.

"If you're tired, we wouldn't mind if you went ahead and retired early." I knew it, she just wanted to be alone with Obi-wan, she didn't want a relationship with me, because she had a crush on my master, it all made sense.

"Um, er, I would but I'm not sure that I really know my way around the ship that well." That was a lie, but I had to think of some sort of excuse.

"I actually am feeling a bit tired myself, if you wouldn't mind, I can show Anakain the way back?" I smirked, they wouldn't be left alone, Obi-wan would come back with me. And we would be left alone.

"Of course, go ahead, I also might as well also retire early."

We all got up, and left the room, the two of them continued to talk as we walked down the halls, until we had gotten to our rooms.

I made sure that when I sat down on the bed, the movement and the way I looked was grumpy and frustrated. I also made sure to let down my shields.

"Anakin what's wrong?" He knew that that was what exactly what I wanted him to ask me.

"Nothing." I turned onto my side and made sure that my thoughts were louder and more frustrating.

"Anakin you're thoughts are hurting my head, what's bothering you?"

"Is it not obvious?" I smirked a bit to myself, knowing that my plan was working.

"No, Anakin, it isn't obvious." He started to get frustrated with me, and now my head was hurting from his thoughts.

"Well you just make it SO obvious that you and Senator Amidala want to be in a relationship."

"Anakin why would you ever think that?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, like he always did when I jumped to conclusions, or he was frustrated, or embarrassed.

"Well you are always making conversation and leaving me out of it, you guys just have so much chemistry." I didn't dare turn around and I made sure that he could still sense my frustration.

"Anakin, me and Padmé are just friends, that's all, I'm sorry if we've left you out, we just see it as you not wanting to join in our conversation. I don't see why it bothers you this much."

I calmed down a bit, they were just friends, I could sense it in his tone, and he had let down his mental shields.

"I'm sorry, it's just you both mean a lot to me and I don't want you feeling that way about each other."

"Anakin, I've sworn an oath to the Jedi order, as have you, I know you have a lot to learn but you should realize that we can't be in an intimate relationship."

And I did realize it, but it still made me feel disappointed, I raised my shields again, he didn't need to know what I was thinking at the moment.

"Yes Master."

"You don't need to call me that anymore Anakin, I'm going to go shower if you'll excuse me."

And with that, the door to the 'fresher closed and the water started to run, and so did the thoughts in my head, the same I had when I was living with him.

It wasn't awkward anymore, but I was now back at square one.

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