C H A P T E R - N I N E T E E N

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Chres POV

"So what's the plan we killing him or not" Don asked while we picked out some guns before going down to the cell we Al had been for the past two weeks.

I thought about it for a second, I wanted to kill him more than anything but I didn't know if Serenity would want to do it herself.

"Nah, don't kill him yet, lets just torture him and have some fun" I said while sharpening a knife, I smiled thinking of what would be the first thing I did.

I noticed that Don was looking at me from the corner of his eye "Nigga I dont know what kind of sick shit your on but my idea of fun is getting drunk and watching football not this shit but lets do it" he said and I laughed.

I don't know how Don made it this far but he hated blood and shit like that so it was always funny to see him squirm while we tormented people.

As we walked down the hall towards the cells I frowned my face "Do we not pay people to keep this place clean, its dirty as shit in here" I complained.

"That's really what your concern is, you know what let me just hit up the French maids that I have on speed" he said sarcastically as we approached Al's cell.

He was on the ground curled into a ball because he didn't deserve a bed and I smiled when I noticed that he was smaller than he had been when we first picked him up. We only gave him enough food to be sure he wouldn't starve to death but anything beyond that was a luxury.

I grabbed a bat that was lying on the ground and banged in on the bars closest to his head "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey bitch, time to get up" Don said with a laugh.

Al immediately jumped to his feet and started pleading "Please I swear I didn't kill him, Alex was cool why the fuck would I do that. I didn't even know he was working for yall until someone told me after the funeral" he said and started to cry.

It never failed to amaze me the way that the biggest and baddest ones on the street would fold as soon as you got them into custody.

His eyes frantically searched around looking for anyone that would possibly help him, I looked over to Don and chuckled "You think we should get revenge for the kids or Serenity first" I asked him.

Dons face turned hard "Kids most defiantly, his bitch as shot my son" he said and pulled his gun out I nodded.

"Shit seems fair to me" I said "So tell me Al, you want him to fuck you up first or me" I asked and he kept shaking his head no. Snot was flying everywhere and he looked pitiful.

I opened the cell door and punched him in his face "Come on Al, that wasn't a yes or no question" I said taunting him but he still didn't answer so I punched him again.

"I said me for or him, open your mouth and talk" I yelled and Don walked over  and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let me try" Don said before getting down on Al's level because he was now on the ground holding his jaw "You want to get hit with a knife or gun first" he asked.

"What kind of sick question is that" Al said trying to crawl away, I stepped on the back of his leg.

"That's actually a great question, thank you Don, now answer the man before we get angry" I said and smiled, this was already more fun than I was expecting it to be. 

"Gun man gun, its faster" he cried and I laughed. He was under the impression that we were here to kill him but he was sadly mistaken.

I put my hands up and stepped out on Dons way as he raised the gun "Gun first was a good choice" he said before shooting him in both shoulders. 

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