C H A P T E R : N I N E

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Alex in the mm

Alex POV

I pulled the hood of my jacket tighter around my head and looked around the alley.

It was a warm, dark night and the wet streets were illuminated by the dim yellow street nights, I took a deep breath before opening the heavy door to the warehouse.

Commotion was going on all around the building, naked ladies walked around and the smell of weed laced the air but I kept my head down as I looked for Boss.

"Aye Al, Boss looking for you in his office" a random guy shouted to me from across the room and I nodded before jogging up the short staircase and removed my hood.

"Wassup Boss" I said and slid into my seat but he didn't say anything back just stared me in the eye and I already knew what he wanted so I just slid the manila envelope across the table.

I finally let out a small smile "I told you I would get what you needed" I told him and stood from the table.

"I wan't the kids and then the girls all yours" he told me as my hand brushed against the door handle and I nodded my head once before leaving his office.

Clarence POV

Loud music filled the room and the bright stobe lights made it hard to focus on the girls that swung around the poles, I lifted the cup to my lips and scoped out the area but I soon couldn't take my eyes off Chres who was sitting across from me.

We had came to the club with the guys to have a strategy meeting but ever since the first few rounds of shots he had been acting weird and shaky.

His eyes were darting from his drink the the bottle girls that were dancing and kissing on each other a few feet from our table.

"Aye Chres you good" Cameron asked and Chres quickly nodded his head and looked over towards the women dancing once again.

They almost looked like Serenity both with chocolate brown skin and long flowing hair, one of the biggest difference was that they were thicker than a swamp possum with the mumps.

I watched as his eyes lingered on one of them for a bit to long "Maybe we need to get out of here" I told him but he was already up from the table and walking towards the girls.

We all watched in shock as he ran his hands down her body before gently wrapping his arms around her waist and leaned down to kiss her neck.

"Ayo what the fuck is wrong with you" Cameron yelled out as we watched the scene unfold in front of us.

I knew we was all under stress but I never thought that it would come down to this, I stood up to try and pull him away before he made a mistake that he couldn't take back.

As soon as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist Alexander walked into the VIP section and all hell broke loose.

Alex jumped across the table and shoved Chres to the ground "So this what the fuck we doing now" he asked staring down at him and the girl tried to run away.

Chres laughed out loud "Aye lil nigga get the fuck out of here before I kill yo ass" he said pushing himself back up off the floor.

Cameron laid a hand on Chres's shoulder "Come on you know Serenity's waiting for you at home" he told him but a look of anger was plastered on Chres's face.

"Yeah you would know, don't act like I ain't seen you pushing up on my bitch since you got here" he yelled.

Chres looked like a mad man as he exchanged words with Alex and Cam, he arms shook faster than a cold strippers ass and he could barely stand up straight.

The next thing we knew Alex and Chres were fighting on the floor and we all tried to break them up.

Cameron finally pulled Alex away and I struggled to keep a hold on Chres.

I watched as Alex spit blood on the carpet "I ain't going to say nothing to Ren this time but I swear if you ever pull some shit like this again I will shoot yo ass dead"he said before walking out with Cameron on his heels.

"I taught you everything you know and you think you're going to kill me" Chres yelled out behind him before throwing up and passing out on the floor.

Cameron POV

An almost awkward silence filled the car as me and Alex drove back to the house and I looked over to see that he was still pissed and I couldn't hold in my question anymore.

"You and Serenity fucking" I asked while keeping my eyes on the road, their whole relationship was just so weird to me.

He laughed a little before answering "Nah, nothing like that" he replied but I knew it was more than that, there was no way that any nigga went that hard over someone he wont with.

"But you want to" I said pushing him, I glanced over to see him looking out the window. In the time that I had been at the house Alex and I had gotten the closest and I was genuinely curious.

"I mean, I know I love her" he told me and I smirked knowing that I was right this whole time.

"Loving and being in love with someone is to different things" I said and he nodded.

"Do you know what it's like to be in love with someone who's in love with someone else" he asked quietly and I shook my head.

"When she saved my life that day something just clicked and I wanted more than anything to be with her but then I saw her, Chres and the kids together and knew that was not something I could just break up" he told me and I kept quiet.

"Then she said she loved me like a brother" he looked down at his lap "like a brother" he repeated.

"Well somethings better than nothing" I told him and he said nothing back for awhile.

"But like you just said, loving someone and being in love with them is to completely different things" he told me and I finally remembered the pregnant chick back at the house.

"What about Kahlani" I asked and he just shrugged and pulled out his phone.

"I tried to find someone of my own you know, to try and forget about Serenity but the condom broke and she got pregnant" he said and I laughed.

"I just don't understand how he has the life I would kill for but he takes it for granted and thinks it's okay to cheat on her and call her a bitch" Alex said and I nodded, kind of seeing where he was coming from.

"So what you going to do" I asked him and he shrugged while looking sad.

"Same thing I have been doing, I'm loyal to Serenity and Serenity only but I'm not going to hurt her and that's all that telling her my feelings is going to do so I'm always going to be here for her and I'll be waiting for her to be ready for me.


Short Chapter but as you can tell things are starting to heat up.

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